मंगलवार को जारी किए गए एक बयान में, एगी ने कहा, एनएनपीसी एनएलएनजी डॉलर जमा के गैर-प्रेषण पर सीबीएन द्वारा विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार से यूबीए पर प्रतिबंध लगाने के बारे में हमारा ध्यान खींचा गया है। हम अपने सभी ग्राहकों, व्यावसायिक भागीदारों का धन्यवाद करते हैं और अन्य ओबी विदेशी मुद्रा विदेशी मुद्रा जोड़े सबसे ट्रेडेड कमोडिटी सेंट्रल बैंक ऑफ नाइजीरिया सीबीएन ने निदेशक, बैंकिंग पर्यवेक्षण हितधारकों द्वारा हस्ताक्षरित एक बयान में व्यापार को फिर से शुरू करने के लिए बैंक को स्पष्ट कर दिया है, जिन्होंने इस रिपोर्ट के कारण हमें बाहर पहुंचा है प्रवक्ता पहले बैंक के लिए, श्री राष्ट्रपति मुहम्मद बहरी ने पिछले सितंबर में देश के सभी डीएमबी को टीएसए चार्ल्स एग्बे को सभी संघीय सरकारी फंडों को प्रेषित करने का आदेश दिया था, बैंक ने सीएनबी द्वारा स्वीकृत बैंकों में से नहीं किया था। सीएनबी अधिकारियों के अधिकारियों ने बताया कि संवाददाता का कहना है कि जब तक डीएमबी धनराशि को सीएनबी तक नहीं भेज सकता तब तक स्वीकृति जारी रहेगी। अधिकारियों ने आगे कहा कि आगे अनुशासनात्मक कार्रवाइयों ने अनुप्रस्थ बैंकों को भेजे जाने के बाद इंतजार की। संघीय सरकार के खजाने से भरा ओबी विदेशी मुद्रा ऑनलाइन संयुक्त अरब अमीरात में विदेशी मुद्रा ट्रेडिंग के लिए पूर्वानुमान का जवाब इन विशेषज्ञों के मनी ट्रांसफर कंपनियों को कैसे संचालित करता है इसके विवरण में बताया गया है कि एफएक्स फर्म का उपयोग करके किसी को फायदा हो सकता है एक द्विआधारी विकल्प दलाल है, बीनेट ऑनलाइन लिमिटेड द्वारा एक ट्रेडमार्क के रूप में स्वामित्व है, जो विदेशी मुद्रा या द्विआधारी में व्यापार करते समय पूरी तरह से कोई गारंटी नहीं देता है, हालांकि, बैंकों के स्रोतों ने कहा है कि उनके प्रबंधन सीबीएन के साथ मामले को हल करने के लिए काम कर रहे थे, नाइजीरिया के सेंट्रल बैंक ने सीबीएन को स्पष्ट कर दिया निदेशक, बैंकिंग पर्यवेक्षण द्वारा हस्ताक्षरित एक बयान में व्यापार फिर से शुरू करने के लिए बैंक को हम बहुत स्पष्ट रूप से राज्य करना चाहते हैं कि यूबीए ने सभी एनएनपीसी एनएलएनजी डॉलर जमा पूरी तरह से प्रेषित किए हैं। बाबातें लासाकी ने कहा कि ऋणदाता विकास पर एक वक्तव्य जारी करेगा ओबी विदेशी मुद्रा यह पता चला था कि फिडेलिटी बैंक प्रशिक्षण ऑनलाइन ट्रेडिंग पर सीएनबी के साथ सहमत भुगतान योजना का पालन कर रहा था, इसका जवाब इस विशेष विवरण में है कि यह कैसे विशेष है आईटी मनी ट्रांसफर कंपनियां संचालित करती हैं जबकि किसी को एफएक्स फर्म माइक ओमेइफ का इस्तेमाल करने से फायदा हो सकता है, टेलिफोन कॉल्स और टेक्स्ट मैसेज के विकास के लिए एनडुमेकी एज़ूरिक पर उनकी प्रतिक्रिया मांगने का जवाब नहीं दिया गया था, इसलिए शेयर मार्केट पीडीएफ में पैसा निवेश करने के लिए टिप्पणियों तक नहीं पहुंचा जा सका नाइजीरिया के सेंट्रल बैंक सीबीएन ने निदेशक, बैंकिंग पर्यवेक्षण फिडेलिटी बैंक, स्टर्लिंग बैंक और हेरिटेज बैंक के प्रवक्ता द्वारा हस्ताक्षरित एक बयान में व्यापार को फिर से शुरू करने के लिए बैंक को पूरी तरह से स्पष्ट कर दिया। बैंकों ने नाइजीरिया लिमिटेड के पहले बैंक 46 9 मीटर डायमंड बैंक पीएलसी 287 एम स्टर्लिंग बैंक पीएलसी 26 9 एम स्काई बैंक पीएलसी 221 एम फिडेलिटी बैंक 20 9 एम अफ्रीका के लिए यूनाईटेड बैंक 530 एम केस्टोन बैंक 13 9 प्रथम शहर स्मारक बैंक एफसीएमबी 125 एम और हेरिटेज बैंक 85 एम अधिकारियों ने आगे कहा कि निदेशक मंडल में निधियों को भेजने के बाद अधिक अनुशासनात्मक कार्रवाई की जा रही है। संघीय सरकार के खजाने से भरा ओबी विदेशी मुद्रा के लिए Iccup में पैसे कमाने इस रिपोर्ट को दाखिल करने के समय के रूप में, यह कुछ बैंक अधिकारियों पर सीबीएन गवर्नर, श्री हालांकि, हेड, कॉर्पोरेट कम्युनिकेशंस, यूबीए, श्री ओबी फॉरेक्स के साथ बैठक हुई थी लेकिन इस रिपोर्ट को दाखिल करने के समय के रूप में, उन्होंने दैन ओलोजो को अभी तक ऐसा करने के लिए कहा, , हम एक सौहार्दपूर्ण संकल्प पर सीबीएन के साथ काम कर रहे हैं हालांकि, हेड, कॉर्पोरेट कम्युनिकेशंस, यूबीए, श्री चार्ल्स एग्बे ने कहा कि बैंक सीएनबीआई माइक ओमेइफ द्वारा स्वीकृत बैंकों के बीच नहीं था, उन्होंने टेलीफोन कॉल और पाठ संदेश का जवाब नहीं दिया विकास के बारे में उनकी प्रतिक्रिया एनडुमेकी एज़ूरिक पर टिप्पणी नहीं की जा सकती थी। ओयटुनजी अबोये ने मंगलवार को नाइजीरिया के सेंट्रल बैंक को बड़ी छड़ी का सामना करना पड़ा क्योंकि उसने देश के विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार से 9 जमा मनी बैंकों को 2 की राशि को प्रेषित करने में नाकाम रहने के लिए बाध्य किया 334 अरब नाइजीरियाई राष्ट्रीय पेट्रोलियम कार्पोरेशन से संबंधित खजाना एकल खाता ओबी विदेशी मुद्रा में पिछले सितंबर में टीएसए पर राष्ट्रपति के निर्देश के बाद, ज्यादातर बैंक ने सभी संघीय सरकारों को भेजकर अनुपालन किया था एनआरपीसी के साथ एनटीपीसी के लिए टर्निंगबल टाइम्स 8 अगस्त में भी शामिल है। यह वास्तव में बैंकों द्वारा छिपाना या जानबूझकर गैर-अनुपालन के बजाय एफएक्स बाजारों में सख्त व्यापक आर्थिक स्थिति और अदारीकरण का एक कार्य है, डायमंड बैंक के प्रवक्ता, श्री टॉप 10 बाइनरी ऑप्शन रोबोट्स हालांकि, सीएसएनए ने पहले बैंक, यूबीए और स्काई बैंक पर जुर्माना लगाया है ताकि कुछ अरबों नाइरा को टीएसए निदेशालय के अनुसार संघीय सरकार के खजाने में विफल कर दिया जा सके। इक्विटी मार्केट में तैयार रणनीतियां ओपन ए ट्रेडिंग अकाउंट में स्वयं मकई व्यापार प्रणाली होती है या ईक्विटी में शॉर्ट पोजिशन शेयर बाजार इक्विटी रणनीतियों के लिए ऑनलाइन ट्रेडिंग रणनीति से निरंतर प्रक्रिया कम तनावपूर्ण व्यापार पर आधारित परिदृश्य मार्केट को इक्विटी मार्केट में निवेश व्यापार रणनीतियों द्वारा ऑफसेट किया जाता है, उन्हें एक शानदार व्यापार करना चाहिए। ग्राफ़ और वस्तुओं को पढ़ने के लिए शुरूआती दौर देश भारतीय देखेंगे शेयर बाजार दुर्घटना इक्विटी तटस्थ निधियों के विभिन्न प्रकार के अपने शेयर बाजार चक्र के लिए आसान बाजार रणनीतियाँ हैं आर वॉल स्ट्रीट कैपिटलाइज़ेशन। कुछ खोजों के लिए लारी कॉनॉरर्स और विचार जुलिएओ पर कारोबार करते हैं, यह निवेश और वस्तुओं को मिलता है स्टॉक ट्रंक से असामान्य रिटर्न स्टॉक मार्केट गेम ट्रेडिंग के लिए मुश्किल होता है.सामान्य प्रवृत्तियों के साथ जोखिम का मूल्यांकन, ऑनलाइन सर्वश्रेष्ठ व्यापारिक वर्ग, स्टॉक, अलग-अलग मार्केट शेयर व्यापारियों पर ध्यान केन्द्रित करना मुश्किल है जो व्यापार में निवेश करते हैं औसत निवेशक तकनीकी विश्लेषण। ई व्यापार वाल स्ट्रीट, तकनीकी विश्लेषण उपकरण जो संकेतक के भारतीय शेयर बाजार के प्रदर्शन में मदद करने के लिए समझदार कदम हैं सैकड़ों ट्रेडिंग स्टॉक जबकि दोनों वायदा कारोबार रणनीतियों शेयर बाजार की तकनीकी व्यापार रणनीति का विश्लेषण कर सकते हैं हाल के इक्विटी बाजार जोखिम समायोजित स्टॉक मूल्य और आनंद के लिए आय, प्लस शेयर बाजार से समर्थन कभी नई रणनीति के लिए नई रणनीति में शेयर बाजार के लिए खोजों पर कुछ भी कारोबार नहीं किया हमारे निवेश रणनीतियों में उत्पन्न मूल्य और ऑनलाइन नई कहानी शामिल हैं। आरएसआई निशुल्क पर कैलकिंग इंडिकेटर निर्मित डाउनलोड। छोटे मुनाफे में व्यापार के लिए शुरुआती आदर्श के लिए सरल रणनीतियों व्यापार के लिए समर्थन और प्रतिरोध के मूल स्तरों का पालन करने के लिए पर्याप्त है समर्थन के पास खरीद और अन्य संकेतकों के उपयोग के साथ निकट प्रतिरोध को बेचने योग्य हो सकता है यह एक अच्छा संकेतक है लेकिन यह आवश्यक है पहले डेमो अकाउंट को आज़माने के लिए मेरे लिए यह संकेत समय सीमा के साथ संयोजन में उत्कृष्ट है ढलान सूचक यह सबसे आसान तरीका है, इसे एमटी 4 में चिपकाया गया है, फ़ोल्डर विशेषज्ञों, फ़ोल्डर संकेतक एमटी 4, इसे फिर से खोलें और इसे बाएं भाग में कस्टम संकेतकों में प्लेटफार्म का यह पता लगाना और चार्ट पर पास करना जब आप एक दीपक डाउनलोड करते हैं, और यह आमतौर पर mq4 या ex4 फ़ाइल है, तो इसे केवल डायरेक्टरी प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर कॉपी करें Program Files Meta Trader Experts Indicators अगली बार जब आप प्लेटफ़ॉर्म शुरू करते हैं, आपका संकेतक कई जगहों पर पाया जाएगा सबसे पहले मेनू विकल्प में डालने के संकेतक-नेविगेटर विंडो में कस्टम सेकंड, विकल्प के अंतर्गत कस्टम संकेतक टूलबार में तीसरा है कि आप सम्मिलित कर सकते हैं और बाद में वे विकल्प कस्टम संकेतक के तहत स्थित होंगे। बिड खरीदने के आदेश खोलना। बिक्री को बेचने के लिए आदेश बेचें। सिलिंग का उपयोग एम 1-एम 5 और एम 15 समय सीमा पर किया जाता है। आपको संकेतकों की आवश्यकता है निःशुल्क स्केलिंग संकेतक Scalping प्रणाली को मुद्रा जोड़े में लागू किया जाता है जो वर्तमान में कोई बड़ी बदलाव नहीं है सोमवार है, क्योंकि सोमवार को तड़का हुआ बाजार छोटे अपवाद हैं स्लैपिंग को उन मुद्राओं के साथ लागू किया जाता है जो नीचे 10 से 20 पिक्स ऊपर चढ़ते हैं। मेरी राय में एक स्केलिंग के लिए बहुत अच्छा संकेत है शुरुआती लोगों के लिए उत्कृष्ट, शायद किसी ने पहले ही एमई 1, एम 5 और एम 15 से पहले यहां सेट कर दिया है। लाल रंग से पीले रंग में रंग बदलते हैं, और इसके विपरीत. छोटे इनपुट जब पीले से लाल रंग बदलते हैं। यह एंट्री देख सकता है बेचने और खरीदने की स्थिति के लिए अंक जब यह पीला लाल रंग से अधिक हो जाता है, जब यह लाल रंग से पार हो जाता है, तो इसे बेचने के लिए अंक। यह ध्यान रखें कि यहां तक कि मैं भी स्थिति में इम को अंतिम लाल मोमबत्ती खरीदने जा रहा हूं, और उपर ओव सबसे पहले पीले रंग के बाद सबसे पहले लाल लाल मोमबत्ती के लिए आप खरीद सकते हैं और पहले छोटी पीले मोमबत्ती को बेच सकते हैं बेशक, किसी को मुख्य प्रवृत्ति की उपेक्षा नहीं करना चाहिए. कोई 15 मिनट का फ्रेम. इसमें स्केलिंग के लिए अधिक अवसर दिखाया गया है 1 मिनट के चार्ट से 5 मिनट के चार्ट आप स्थिति को बेचने के लिए एक ट्रेडिंग सिग्नल देख सकते हैं और स्थिति को खरीदने के लिए एक ट्रेडिंग सिग्नल देख सकते हैं। 15 मिनटों के चार्ट्स को स्क्रैपिंग ट्रेडिंग के लिए सबसे अधिक व्यापारिक संकेत दिखाए जाते हैं यह बिक्री की स्थिति खरीदने के लिए दो व्यापार संकेतों को देख सकता है यह समय सीमा मेटाट्रेडर 4 प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर स्केपिंग सूचक को स्थापित करने के लिए कैसे समाप्ति है। कैलकिंग संकेतक निष्कर्ष। इसे स्क्रैपिंग कहा जाता है एक नियम के रूप में, स्केलिंग सेकंड में किया जाता है, लेकिन आजकल इसे स्केलिंग कहा जाता है और 10-10 बजे में 5-10 पिप्स कैप्चर करता है। 15min क्या इसका मतलब है कि बहुत से ट्रेडों बनाने के लिए तेज़ समय हो सकता है जितना कम हो उतना अच्छा फैलता है क्योंकि आप थोड़ा सा पिप्स पकड़ते हैं लेकिन यह भी बहुत जोखिम भरा है इसलिए दीर्घकालिक लाभ के लिए बहुत सफलता ट्रांसक होना चाहिए नियम, अन्य-बड़े लाभों के लिए नियमों से अधिक से अधिक लॉट के साथ खोले जाना चाहिए क्योंकि औसत आय में प्रति लेनदेन हैं। आसान विदेशी मुद्रा की समीक्षा करें। ईज़ी-विदेशी मुद्रा, 2003 में स्थापित, ऑनलाइन ट्रेडिंग सेवाओं की अग्रणी प्रदाता है यह साइप्रस में मुख्यालय है दुनिया भर में 160 से अधिक देशों में कार्यालयों, एफएक्स व्यापारिक कमरे और ग्राहक सहायता केंद्रों के साथ, आसान विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार के निर्माता की स्थिति मानते हैं, इसकी तरलता प्रदाता स्विट्जरलैंड में यूबीएस होने और रॉयल बैंक ऑफ स्कॉटलैंड आरबीएस। आसान-विदेशी मुद्रा साइप्रस में लाइसेंस प्राप्त है यूरोप में एमआईएफआईडी और ऑस्ट्रेलिया में एएसआईसी द्वारा साइसेक. जब सबसे पहले आसान विदेशी मुद्रा वाले खाते की स्थापना की जा रही है, व्यापारियों को वे खाते के प्रकार को परिभाषित कर सकते हैं जो वे जोखिम के स्तर के अनुसार उपयोग करना चाहते हैं, वे एक मानक खाता लेने के लिए तैयार हैं। के रूप में छोटा रूप में 25 के मार्जिन। अतिरिक्त खाता प्रकार प्रीमियम और वीआईपी हैं खाते का प्रकार भी एक मानक खाते के लिए 3 पिप्स, प्रीमियम के लिए 2 5 pips और 1 8 pips से ग्राहक के लिए प्रदान की फैलता का निर्धारण करेगा वीपी के लिए। डेमो अकाउंट्स उपलब्ध हैं और ट्रेडर्स मोबाइल, डेस्कटॉप या ऑनलाइन पर ट्रेड कर सकते हैं। नि: शुल्क निजी प्रशिक्षकों, गारंटीशुदा स्टॉप-लॉस और असली फीचर्स के समान अन्य फीचर्स हैं। आसान-विदेशी मुद्रा भी ट्रेडिंग अकाउंट प्रदान करता है जो इस्लामी कानून शरीयत का पालन करते हैं इस्लामी ट्रेडिंग खातों के साथ, जब व्यापारियों ने अगले दिन अपने दिन-व्यापार सौदों का विस्तार किया है, तो कोई रोलिंग शुल्क नहीं लिया जाता है तदनुसार, दिन-व्यापार सौदों के लिए पेशकश की जाने वाली अधिकतम अवधि आमतौर पर 1 सप्ताह सीमित होती है लेकिन यह कम या ज्यादा हो सकती है मुद्रा जोड़ी कारोबार करती है। ट्रेडर्स मुद्राओं, वस्तुओं और धातुओं से लेकर 175 उत्पादों तक विकल्प चुन सकते हैं, उनके डेस्कटॉप, टैबलेट या स्मार्टफोन उपकरणों का उपयोग करके खाता आसान-विदेशी मुद्रा में डब्ल्यूटीआई क्रूड ऑयल, ब्रेंट, प्राकृतिक गैस , ताप तेल और गैसोल भी कई ऊर्जा वस्तु जोड़े हैं जैसे हेओ यूएसडीआई, तेल अमरीकी डालर और अन्य। यहां तक कि अधिकतर कृषि वस्तुओं की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला भी है रुपये कोको, मक्का और कॉफ़ी जैसी पेशकश करते हैं। ट्रेडर्स आसान-विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार सिम्युलेटर का कोई दायित्व या जोखिम के साथ और बिना किसी कीमत पर लाभ ले सकते हैं व्यापार सिम्युलेटर नौसिखियों के व्यापारियों को आसान-विदेशी मुद्रा प्लेटफ़ॉर्म सुविधाओं का पता लगाने देता है जिसमें इनसाइड व्यूअर शामिल होता है जो दिखाता है उन सबसे लोकप्रिय व्यापारिक मुद्रा जोड़े या व्यापार नियंत्रक जो उन्हें जोखिम प्रबंधन के लिए नेत्रहीन रूप से सेट करते हैं। व्यापारिक सिम्युलेटर व्यापार कौशल को तेज करने या कुछ व्यापारिक रणनीतियों का परीक्षण करने का एक शानदार तरीका है। सहज-विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापारियों को मेजबान के साथ प्रदान करता है शैक्षिक उपकरण शुरुआती और उन्नत व्यापारियों और एक नि: शुल्क विदेशी मुद्रा गाइड ईबुक दोनों के लिए प्रशिक्षण वीडियो उपलब्ध हैं, जिन्हें आसानी से डाउनलोड किया जा सकता है और सामान्य रूप से व्यापार में सामान्य जानकारी के साथ-साथ सफल फ़ॉरेक्स ट्रेडिंग के लिए युक्तियां और तकनीकों को भी शामिल किया जा सकता है। विदेशी वेबिनार ऑनलाइन और कहीं से भी सुलभ हैं दुनिया और सेमिनार में व्यापारियों को व्यक्तियों में आसानी से विदेशी मुद्रा टीम को मिलने और व्यापारियों के साथ बातचीत करने का अवसर प्रदान करते हैं, जैसे कि ओटी से उसके क्षेत्रों में अन्य व्यापारियों से मिलने का एक अतिरिक्त मौका आसान विदेशी मुद्रा एक्सपोज़ पर प्रदान किया जाता है जो कई अलग-अलग स्थानों पर समय-समय पर होते हैं आगामी एक्सपोज़ और अन्य घटनाओं की एक सूची वेबसाइट पर सूचीबद्ध होती है। आगे की रीडिंग सेक्शन में, सदस्य विभिन्न प्रकार से चुन सकते हैं विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों पर विभिन्न लेखों की। इस समीक्षा करते समय कई प्रोन्नति चल रहे थे, 2000 तक एक 20 बोनस को पहले व्यापारियों द्वारा जमा किया गया था। विन-विन बोनस के साथ, एक व्यापारी को केवल किसी भी राशि की जमा राशि यदि व्यापार एक लाभ के रूप में आता है, तो आसान-विदेशी मुद्रा दोगुना जीतता है, यदि यह एक नुकसान है, तो दलाल इसे 200 तक कवर करेगा। आसान-विदेशी मुद्रा विकल्प किसी भी खोलने वाले खाते में किसी को खाता खोलने के लिए 300 की पेशकश करके आसान बनाता है। यदि कोई व्यापारी आसान विदेशी मुद्रा के साथ एक सहयोगी या ब्रोकर शुरू करने का निर्णय लेता है, तो वह ऑनलाइन सहयोगी कंपनियों के लिए 600 तक प्राप्त कर सकता है और ब्रोकर शुरू करने के लिए 100 से अधिक लॉट छूट का भुगतान कर सकता है सभी सहयोगी उनके उप-सहयोगी से 10 कमीशन कमाते हैं। एक संदर्भ-एक-मित्र पदोन्नति जहां रेफ़रलर 200 से 5,000 की जमा राशि पर 50-500 से प्राप्त करता है, दोस्त को 50 पुरस्कार मिलते हैं। आसान-विदेशी मुद्रा खातों को फ़ंडिंग क्रेडिट कार्ड या बैंक तारों के जरिए किया जा सकता है वे 12 अलग-अलग मुद्राओं को स्वीकार करते हैं.डाउड्रावल एक ऑनलाइन फॉर्म भरकर किया जाता है फंड जमा के रूप में उसी पद्धति का उपयोग करके वापस किया जाता है। जमा या निकासी पर कोई शुल्क या कमी नहीं है। ब्रोकरों के टेलीफोन पर एक आसान विदेशी मुद्रा प्रतिनिधि से संपर्क कर सकते हैं, लिम्मासोल में दो मुख्य कार्यालय और सिडनी क्वेरी ईमेल और घोंघे मेल द्वारा भेजी जा सकती हैं मार्शल द्वीपसमूह चैट में अपने पते पर आसानी से फॉरेक्स को भेजा जा सकता है बाजार भी उपलब्ध है और सूचकांक सीएफडी के रूप में कारोबार किया जाता है और 12 00 में अंतर्निहित एक्सचेंज समाप्ति से दो कार्यदिवस का निपटान करता है जीएमटी प्रत्येक सीएफडी की समाप्ति स्पष्ट रूप से ट्रेड टिकट में स्पष्ट रूप से कहा गया है क्योंकि ओपन पोजीशंस और एमटी 4 मार्केट वॉच शामिल हैं। ऑप्शन को किसी भी दिन दीक्षा की तारीख से छह महीने तक समाप्त होने की तारीख तय की जा सकती है Pire 10:00 AM न्यूयॉर्क समय पर ऐसा करते हैं। विदेशी मुद्रा और विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार में एक महान सब-डीलर है वेबसाइट वेबसाइट उपयोगकर्ता के अनुकूल है और नेविगेट करना आसान है ब्रोकर अच्छी तरह से विनियमित है और इसके लिए शैक्षिक विशेषताओं की एक मेजबानी प्रदान करता है। शुरुआती और उन्नत व्यापारियों को एक और ब्रोकर की तरफ इशारा करते हैं। आसान विदेशी मुद्रा बेसिक जानकारी। आसान-विदेशी मुद्रा अधिकांश ब्रोकरों के लिए अद्वितीय है कि उनका मुख्य ध्यान व्यापारी को बेहतरीन संभव अनुभव प्रदान करने पर है, उन्हें लगता है कि वित्त और विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार मज़ेदार, रोमांचक और हर किसी के लिए उपलब्ध है, न सिर्फ कुछ मनमानी संभ्रांत समूह यही वजह है कि सभी आसान-विदेशी मुद्रा ग्राहकों को व्यक्तिगत खाता प्रबंधकों और लाइव प्रशिक्षण मिलते हैं। आसान-विदेशी मुद्रा ने अपने व्यापार कंट्रेलेटर जैसे दृश्य व्यापार उपकरण विकसित किए हैं जो उपयोगकर्ताओं को संभावित लाभ हानि परिदृश्यों का स्पष्ट चित्र देता है व्यूअर के अंदर भी बाज़ार की जानकारी की गहराई होती है ताकि आप देख सकें कि अन्य व्यापारियों क्या कर रहे हैं। मॉर्गन स्टेनली आँखें ट्रेडिंग डेस्क रिपोर्ट में बदलती हैं। मॉर्गन स्टेनली एमएस एन, जो एक व्यापक पोस्ट वॉल स्ट्रीट जर्नल ने इस हफ्ते से परिचित लोगों का हवाला देते हुए कहा, इस हफ्ते की तुलना में उम्मीद की गई पहली तिमाही में होने वाली हानि, इसकी सबसे बड़ी स्वामित्व-ट्रेडिंग डेस्क में बदलाव की ओर नजर रखती है। परिवर्तन में यूनिट के स्पिनफ़ को हेज फंड या खोलने में शामिल किया गया है इकाई को बाहर के निवेशकों के लिए, लोगों ने कागज को बताया। मॉर्गन स्टेनली अभी भी ट्रेडिंग ऑपरेशन को छोड़ने का निर्णय ले सकता है, जिसे प्रोसेस डाइविंग ट्रेडिंग कहा जाता है, लोगों ने पेपर को बताया। इसके 1993 के लॉन्च के बाद से यूनिट ने कागज के अनुसार, कंपनी ने 6 5 बिलियन प्रीएक्सएक्स आय के बारे में बताया, एक परिणाम से परिचित व्यक्ति का हवाला देते हुए। एक मॉर्गन स्टेनली के प्रवक्ता ने कागज से कहा कि पीडीटी पर कोई निर्णय नहीं किया गया है। रॉयटर्स मॉर्गन स्टेनली को नियमित रूप से अमेरिकी कार्यालय के समय से संपर्क करने के प्रयासों में थे असफल रहे, जबकि हांगकांग में कंपनी के कार्यालय से एक प्रवक्ता तुरंत टिप्पणी करने के लिए उपलब्ध नहीं था। मॉर्गन स्टेनली, बुधवार को, छह तिमाहियों में अपनी तीसरी हार पोस्ट और रियल एस्टेट निवेश नुकसान और एक के रूप में अपने लाभांश घटा दिया ऋण संबंधी शुल्क ने मजबूत व्यापार और बैंकिंग फीस को मिटा दिया। बैंगलोर में अजय कमलकरण द्वारा रिपोर्टिंग मुरलीकुमार अनंतरामन द्वारा संपादन। मुफ्त दिन व्यापार शिक्षा और सक्रिय रणनीति के लिए नई रणनीतियां। दिन के व्यापारियों, स्विंग व्यापारी, यहां तक कि निवेशकों के लिए शक्तिशाली रणनीतियां और संसाधन। यहां तक कि आप बस पढ़ने से सफल दिन व्यापारी होने के बारे में बहुत कुछ सीख सकते हैं। अच्छे लेख। पढ़ने पर भी विचार करना मेरा दिन का व्यापारिक ई-पुस्तक है जो दोनों अनुभवशील दिन के व्यापारियों और शुरुआती लोगों की प्रशंसा प्राप्त कर रहा है। डेट्रैडिंगकोच के लिए लिखित में रुचि रखते हैं। अपने लेख को ईमेल करें- डे ट्रेडिंगकोच में जेन्स। डे ट्रेडिंग सिमुलेटर - बेस्ट डे ट्रेडिंग सिम्युलेटर 6 घुमाओ ट्रेडिंग के अवसरों के लिए स्कैन करने के लिए सरल तरीके। शुरुआती के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ दिन की ट्रेडिंग रणनीति। शुरुआती के लिए सबसे अच्छा दिन ट्रेडिंग रणनीति है। एक दिन की व्यापारिक रणनीति यह है कि शुरुआती सीखने और सुधार करने के लिए शुरुआती बिंदु के रूप में इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं, जबकि घाटे में कमी। 9 30 ट्रेडिंग सेटअप। 9 30 व्यापारिक सेटअप की ताकत इसकी सादगी है यह दिन के शुरुआती शुरुआती दिनों के लिए सेटअप समझने में आसान है और यह वह मूल्य कार्रवाई का पालन करने के लिए और अधिक समय देता है। स्नैप-बैक एक पूर्व प्रवृत्ति के खिलाफ पहले बहुत ही मजबूत कदम को संदर्भित करता है एक उच्चतर संभावना संभावनाओं में से एक तब होता है जब मजबूत उत्क्रमण भी प्रभाव में होता है। बिटुकोइन बाइनरी विकल्प व्यापार का सबसे आसान तरीका बिटकॉन्स। परिष्कृत जोखिम भारित सूचकांक उत्पादों सक्रिय फंड मैनेजर्स पर कम अस्थिरता पोर्टफोलियो के वादों के साथ प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक दबाव ढेर कर रहे हैं। डेन बार्न्स ने रिपोर्ट की है। बाज़ार की अस्थिरता पेंशन फंड को हिला रही है और एक आसान चाल की तलाश में प्रबंधकों को जोखिम वाले भारित सूचकांक अपने पोर्टफोलियो को अनुकूलित करने के लिए हालिया एक अध्ययन में पाया गया है कि निष्क्रिय बीटा रणनीतियों में यूरोपीय संघ के 45 निधि प्रबंधकों में 40 इक्विटी और फिक्स्ड इनकम संपत्तियां शामिल हैं, जिसके साथ अगले तीन वर्षों में ज्यादातर फंडों में बढ़ने की उम्मीद है। संरक्षक उत्तरी ट्रस्ट द्वारा अनुसंधान अनुकूलित या स्मार्ट बीटा इंडेक्स रणनीतियों में बढ़ती दिलचस्पी, जिनमें से 37 उत्तरदाता अपने पूर्वकाल में भारोत्तोलन पर चिंता व्यक्त करते हैं मानक सूचकांक-भारित योजनाओं के लिए टर्निंग इंडेक्स भारित इंडेक्स इन चिंताओं को सुलझाने का एक तरीका पेश करते हैं। इनके मामले में तकनीकी बाज़ार बुलबुले के बाद से बाहर गिर गया, पीटर गुंथॉर्प, निर्देशक, इंडेक्स प्रदाता एफटीएसई के अनुसंधान और विश्लेषकों का कहना है कि परंपरागत रूप से लोग मार्केट कैप भारित सूचकांक और कहा कि अवसर सेट है, टीटीएम तकनीक के बुलबुले के बाद, लोगों को सिर्फ ट्रैकिंग-त्रुटि जोखिम के अलावा अन्य चीजों को देखने लगे, वे एकाग्रता जोखिम और विविधता के बारे में चिंतित हो गए सूचकांक थे, और लोगों को भी बेहतर जोखिम रिटर्न अनुपात चाहिए था, तब आपको विशिष्ट उद्देश्य थे, जैसे कि न्यूनतम अस्थिरता या विकास को सुधारना। वहाँ दो प्रकार के इंडेक्स हैं, जो मानक बाजार सूचकांक हैं, जो प्रभावी रूप से शेयरों के आधार पर शेयरों की तुलना में अन्य निवेशकों की रणनीति का औसत दर्शाते हैं। उनके मार्केट कॅपिटलाइज़ेशन और स्ट्रैटेजी इंडेक्स, जो निवेशकों को विभिन्न जोखिम रिटर्न प्रोफाइल की एक विशाल रेंज प्रदान करते हैं, जो कि विभिन्न तरीकों से प्रदर्शन करते हैं। निवेशक जोखिम के किसी भी स्तर से प्राप्त रिटर्न का अनुकूलन कर रहे हैं, या कम से कम जोखिम वाले स्तर को कम कर सकते हैं, जो कि वे पर्याप्त बाजार वापसी करते समय ले रहे हैं, उत्पाद विकास के वैश्विक प्रमुख कोनोद सिप्ल बताते हैं इंडेक्स प्रदाता STOXX पोर्टफोलियो सिद्धांत में स्टॉक के भार को अनुकूलित करने के तरीके हैं जो स्टॉक को आवंटित कर रहे हैं यह स्टॉक को बदल नहीं रहा है, लेकिन इनमें से प्रत्येक को दिया गया भार। जोखिम को लेना। एमएससीआई जोखिम भारित सूचकांक श्रृंखला, 2011 में लॉन्च हुई, एमएससीआई सूचकांक और उन्हें बाजार पूंजीकरण के उपयोग के बजाय, वजन निर्धारित करने के लिए जोखिम का उपयोग करने के लिए जोखिम उठाते हैं। इसे सटीक बनाने के लिए एक व्युत्क्रम विचरण भारित सूचकांक कहते हैं, लेकिन यह कम आकर्षक है, नई उत्पाद अनुसंधान के वैश्विक प्रमुख डिमिटिस मेला बताते हैं एमएससीआई हम ऐतिहासिक विचरण को देखते हैं, जो तीन साल के आंकड़ों से लिया गया अस्थिरता चुकता है, और फिर भार के हिसाब से उस व्युत्क्रम को लेता है अंतर्निहित विचार शक्तिशाली है वज़न का निर्धारण करने के लिए समान वजन का उपयोग करने के लिए हम समान जोखिम का उपयोग करते हैं और कम अस्थिरता वाले शेयरों में और अधिक पैसे डालकर ऐसा करते हैं.उन्होंने स्वीकार किया कि पारंपरिक सूचकांकों के सापेक्ष, जोखिम-भारित वैकल्पिक रणनीतियों का उपयोग अभी भी कम है, वहां लाखों डॉलर निवेश किए गए हैं पारंपरिक इंडेक्स में हालांकि, गोद लेने के प्रारंभिक चरण में कई नए ग्राहक होते हैं, जैसे कि पेंशन फंड। अपील वे नरम है जो वे बाजार का झटका दे सकते हैं 2008 में एमएससीआई ऑल-वर्ल्ड इंडेक्स 41 में गिर गया और 35 में बढ़ोतरी हुई 2009 ऐतिहासिक आंकड़ों को देखकर एमएससीआई न्यूनतम वाष्पशीलता सूचकांक के साथ तुलना करना संभव है, जो कि 25 से गिरकर 200 9 में 18 गुणा तक बढ़ेगा। इसके साथ ही बाजार में निवेशकों को एक चिकनी सवारी का आनंद मिलता है, यह कहते हुए मेलस इट विशेष रूप से केवल लंबी अवधि के फंडों के लिए अच्छा है जो अपने पोर्टफोलियो को जोखिम में डाल रहे हैं। इनमें से बहुत से सूचकांक अनुभवजन्य मानक वापसी संबंधी असामान्यताओं या अनुभव, जैसे मान, ईएफ के रूप में असामान्यताएं कैप्चर करते हैं एफएक्स और छोटे कैप प्रभाव और कम अस्थिरता प्रभाव कहते हैं, गनथॉप लोगों को यह एहसास हुआ है कि अधिकांश सक्रिय प्रबंधकों का रिटर्न एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा इन प्रकार के व्यवहार संबंधी विसंगतियों से आ रहा है और उन्हें एक निष्क्रिय, कम लागत सूचकांक में कब्जा कर लिया जा सकता है इसलिए मूल्य विचार ड्राइवर हैं । कई कारक हैं जो इसका मतलब है कि ले-अप बाजार-कैप भारित सूचकांक के लिए उतना ही बढ़िया नहीं है दो मुख्य मुद्दे तरलता और आकार हैं। यदि आप एक फ्री-फ्लोट मार्केट कैप भारित सूचकांक लेते हैं, तो आप संपत्ति सिप्ल द्वितीय का कहना है कि बाजार में खरीदने के लिए सबसे अधिक वजन सबसे अधिक है, जो कि निवेश मकैनिकों का समर्थन करता है। दूसरा, मानक सूचकांक अभी भी ज्यादातर निवेशकों द्वारा उपयोग किया जाता है और यही वह जगह है जहां तरल डेरिवेटिव मार्केट्स ने खुद को स्थापित किया है। मुख्यधारा के सूचकांक के बेंचमार्क डेरिवेटिव एक्सचेंजों पर उनके आसपास प्रदान की गई तरलता से निकटता से जुड़ा हुआ है, उदाहरण के लिए, यूरो STOXX 50 वायदा और विकल्प टी में हैं वॉल्यूम से पांच विश्व स्तर पर व्युत्पन्न डेरिवेटिव कॉन्ट्रैक्ट के साथ। एसिपेल ने देखा कि यदि बहुत से निवेशकों को एक विशिष्ट रणनीति का पालन करना होता है, तो सभी परिसंपत्तियों की रणनीति के मुकाबले प्रवाह होगा, और मार्केट कैप भारित इंडेक्स और रणनीति इंडेक्स का मिलान होगा लेकिन ये रणनीतियों का इरादा नहीं है अधिक सामान्य दृष्टिकोणों की जगह लेनी चाहिए और उनका इस्तेमाल इन प्रभावों के साथ मिलकर किया जाना चाहिए, जो निवेशकों को हासिल करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं। अगर वे अपने पोर्टफोलियो में अस्थिरता को कम करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं, जो एक विषय है जो हम देख रहे हैं, जो कि पूछता है कि लागू करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है एसेट मैनेजमेंट के प्रबंध निदेशक जॉन क्रेग, नॉर्दर्न ट्रस्ट ग्लोबल इन्वेस्टमेंट में ईएमईए का तर्क था कि कुछ छोटे-छोटे हेज फंड कमजोर पड़ने वाली अस्थिरता में भूमिका निभा सकते हैं वे सभी एक ही बात हासिल करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं एक तिहाई के बारे में अस्थिरता। वैकल्पिक सूचकांकों का उपयोग करने के साथ जुड़े लागतें हैं और क्रेग के अनुसार टर्नओवर की तुलना में अधिक होने की संभावना है मानक इंडेक्स। वे सभी रणनीति बीटा से जुड़े हुए हैं, जहां कारक के प्रति पूर्वाग्रह होता है, वह कहते हैं कि यह आकार, अस्थिरता या आकार और अस्थिरता हो सकता है, लेकिन यदि आप उन्हें जोड़ते हैं तो आप एक ही प्रकार के जोखिम कारक नहीं हैं कि आपके पास एक मानक सूचकांक है। बेशक इसमें जोखिम है, यह एक निवेश रणनीति की प्रतिकृति करता है, और किसी भी रणनीति के साथ यह बहु-वर्ष की अवधि के दौरान हो सकता है, जहां वह बाजार से बेहतर प्रदर्शन कर रहा है.अगर आप 1 99 7 से 2000 तक आंकड़ों को देखें , ये बेंचमार्क 2-3 वर्षों की अवधि के लिए बेहतर नहीं रहेगा, कहते हैं, मेला हम देख सकते हैं कि अन्य सूचकांकों में एक बुलबुले के आधार पर विकास का अनुभव हो रहा है, लेकिन उस समय हमारे लिए निवेश करने वालों के लिए ऐसा प्रतीत नहीं होता ऐतिहासिक समय से अधिक लंबी क्षितिज जैसी अन्य अवधियों में ये अच्छा प्रदर्शन करते हैं। गनथॉर्प कहते हैं, प्रस्तुति को संदर्भ से बाहर नहीं लिया जाना चाहिए, क्योंकि न्यूनतम उतार-चढ़ाव जैसी कोई रणनीति वापस नहीं लौटती है और इसके लिए सिद्धांत रूप से बेहतर प्रदर्शन नहीं किया गया है, या टोपी-वेटेड बेंचमार्क को हराया.हाइपरिक आउटपरफॉर्मेंस कम अस्थिरता वाले शेयरों के आउटपरफॉर्मेंस पर भरोसा करने वाला एक संयोग है, वह नोट करता है कि उपयोगिताओं के लिए बुरी तरह से आप अधिक वजन वाले होते हैं और आप बुरी तरह से करते हैं तो यह विज्ञान की तुलना में एक कला से अधिक हो जाता है अगर निवेशकों का एक विशिष्ट उद्देश्य है जैसे कि अस्थिरता को कम करना, इस तरह से उनका मूल्यांकन किया जाना चाहिए। इसकी संयोग है कि उन्हें लगता है कि वे बहुत अच्छे प्रदर्शन करते हैं। एसएसएफ ट्रेडिंग रणनीतियाँ। आज शेयर बाजार में उपयोग की जाने वाली कई मौजूदा रणनीतियों को एकल स्टॉक फ्यूचर्स और संकीर्ण आधारित सूचकांकों पर भी लागू किया जा सकता है। यहां ये उदाहरण दिए गए हैं कि इन उत्पादों से निवेशकों और पोर्टफोलियो प्रबंधकों को एक विस्तृत श्रेणी के ट्रेडों को अनजाने में निष्पादित करने की अनुमति मिल सकती है। कीमतों में उतार-चढ़ाव या लघु अवधि के नीचे के आंदोलनों के खिलाफ लंबी इक्विटी स्थिति सुरक्षित करें। स्टॉक खरीदने के लिए सस्ती विकल्प के रूप में वायदा का उपयोग करें, और फिर अपने पोर्टफोलियो में वृद्धि करने के लिए अंतर्निहित शेयरों की डिलीवरी ले लीजिए। विशिष्ट आर्थिक क्षेत्रों में लागत प्रभावी ढंग से निवेश करने के लिए संकीर्ण आधारित सूचकांक का उपयोग करें लंबे समय तक छोटे जोड़े हैं। शेयर विकल्पों की स्थिति के लिए एक लागत प्रभावी बचाव के रूप में एकल स्टॉक वायदा का उपयोग करें। वर्तमान में स्टॉक विश्लेषण या विश्लेषण, चार्ट-आधारित रणनीतियों और मौलिक विश्लेषण जैसे स्टॉक या भविष्य में निवेश निर्णयों के लिए आपके द्वारा विश्लेषणात्मक दृष्टिकोण का उपयोग करना जारी रखें। सुरक्षा वायदा के कुछ विशिष्ट उपयोग में शामिल हो सकते हैं। एकल स्टॉक वायदा का सबसे बुनियादी उपयोग अटकलें हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि आपको लगता है कि निकट भविष्य में माइक्रोसॉफ्ट मूल्य में बढ़ेगा, तो आप माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के 100 शेयरों का एक अनुबंध खरीद सकते हैं। तीन महीने में डिलीवरी यदि माइक्रोसॉफ्ट की कीमत बढ़ जाती है, तो आप माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के 100 शेयरों का एक कॉन्टैक्ट बेच सकते हैं और लाभ कमा सकते हैं। इसके विपरीत, अगर आपको लगता है कि निकट भविष्य में माइक्रोसॉफ्ट कीमत में कमी आएगी, तो आप माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के 100 शेयरों का एक कॉन्ट्रैक्ट बेच सकते हैं। तीन महीने में डिलीवरी यदि कीमत घट जाती है, तो आप माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के 100 शेयरों का एक कॉन्टैक्ट खरीद सकते हैं और मुनाफा कमा सकते हैं। जरूर, माइक्रोसॉफ्ट अनुबंध की कीमत बढ़ सकती है या कम हो सकती है, एपी बना सकता है रोफ्टी या नुकसान। एकल स्टॉक वायदा का एक अन्य उपयोग हेजिंग है। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि आपके पास एक पोर्टफोलियो है जिसमें एक दवा फर्म शामिल है जिसमें सूचना जारी की गई है जो आपको विश्वास है कि अल्पावधि में स्टॉक को नकारात्मक रूप से प्रभावित किया जाएगा, लेकिन इसका स्थायी प्रभाव नहीं होगा आप एक स्टॉक के रूप में फार्मास्यूटिकल स्टॉक पर एक स्टॉक वायदा अनुबंध को बेच सकते हैं यदि शेयर स्वयं गिरावट में आता है, तो आप अपने स्टॉक की स्थिति पर पैसे खो देंगे लेकिन आप अपने भविष्य की स्थिति पर पैसा कमा सकते हैं। इसके अलावा, यदि आप एक इंडेक्स और एक किसी विशेष स्टॉक या सेक्टर पर दबाव था और इंडेक्स को नकारात्मक रूप से प्रभावित किया गया था, जिससे आप अपनी स्थिति का बचाव करने के लिए व्यक्तिगत वायदा अनुबंध बेच सकते हैं। इंडेक्स से जुड़े एकल स्टॉक फ्यूचर्स का एक अन्य इस्तेमाल इंडेक्स बैलेंसिंग हो रहा है। एसपी 500 और 500 में व्यापक इंडेक्स निवेश की वृद्धि अन्य बेंचमार्क ने भारी वृद्धि का अनुभव किया है क्योंकि मार्केट एसएसएफ़ के अंडर-प्रदर्शन के जोखिम को कम करने के लिए एक रणनीति के रूप में अवांछित सुरक्षित को कम करके एक इंडेक्स निवेश से स्टॉक को निकालने का एक साधन प्रदान किया जाता है। वायदा अनुबंध का उपयोग करते हुए निवेशक रिश्तेदार ताकत दिखाने वाले क्षेत्रों के साथ अतिरिक्त निवेश हासिल करने के लिए संकीर्ण आधारित सूचकांक जोड़कर एक सूचकांक दृष्टिकोण को ठीक कर सकते हैं और सूचकांक में घटाव एक अस्थायी असंतुलन पैदा कर सकता है कई निवेशकों को एक विशेष स्टॉक को बेचना चाहिए जो कि इसे से निकाला जा रहा है सूचकांक और उस स्टॉक को खरीदना चाहिए जिसे सूचकांक में जोड़ा जा रहा है। इन विशेष कंपनियों के एकल स्टॉक वायदा इन कुछ असंतुलन को सुलझा सकते हैं। एकल स्टॉक वायदा का एक अन्य उपयोग फैल रहा है। स्प्रेडिंग ऐसी कंपनियों की खरीद और बिक्री है। एकल स्टॉक वायदा का एक अन्य उपयोग छोटी बिक्री है। यदि कोई स्टॉक व्यापारी स्टॉक को बेचने की इच्छा रखता है, तो उसे शेयर बेचने के लिए सबसे पहले शेयर होना चाहिए यह आमतौर पर किया जाता है, फर्म एस शेयर ऋण विभाग से शेयरों को उधार लेना उधार लेने वाले शेयरों और ब्याज की बिक्री से आय पर अर्जित किया जा सकता है विचार करने के लिए दो अन्य कारक भी हैं, विक्रेता को लाभांश भुगतान और कुल मात्रा के लिए उत्तरदायी है विक्रेताओं द्वारा बेचे जाने वाले शेयरों के लिए उपलब्ध शेयरों से अधिक नहीं हो सकता है अंत में, एक छोटी स्थिति स्थापित करने के लिए ग्राहकों को अप-टिक नियम में रखा जाता है। पोर्टटेबल अल्फा ट्रेडिंग। एकल स्टॉक वायदा और संकीर्ण आधारित सूचकांकों द्वारा उपयोग किए जाने वाले पोर्टेबल अल्फा रणनीतियों के लिए अवसरों का विस्तार होगा कुछ संस्थागत निवेशक इस रणनीति में, एक मनी मैनेजर कुछ परिसंपत्तियों को या कम से कम वांछनीय परिसंपत्ति वर्ग या बाजार क्षेत्र के निवेश के लिए उस परिसंपत्ति वर्ग या क्षेत्र में एक सूचकांक के भविष्य को कम करके देखता है प्रायोजक या प्रबंधक तब वायदा अनुबंध खरीदता है अधिक वांछनीय परिसंपत्ति वर्ग या बाजार क्षेत्र। विकल्प के लिए वैकल्पिक। एकल स्टॉक वायदा का एक अन्य विकल्प विकल्प के लिए वैकल्पिक है.जब व्यक्तिगत स्टॉक पर ट्रेडिंग विकल्प हैं, वहां कुछ व्यापारिक पहलू हैं जिन्हें माना जाना चाहिए उदाहरण के लिए, महीने, स्ट्राइक प्राइस और समय प्रीमियम शामिल है यदि आप एक सिंथेटिक वायदा स्थिति बनाने के लिए विकल्पों का उपयोग करने में रुचि रखते हैं, तो आपको दो लेन-देन करना होगा जिसके लिए एक कमीशन प्रत्येक व्यापार इसके अलावा, अगर शेयर की कीमतें धन में थीं, तो बोली की पेशकश कम नकदी की वजह से हो जाएगी, एक एकल स्टॉक वायदा कारोबार में एक लेनदेन शामिल होता है, महीने का चुनाव करता है, और व्यापार को निष्पादित करता है.जब एक शेयर शेयर भविष्य में व्यापार करता है , अगर नकद बसे मूल्य पर शेयर या नकद देने का दायित्व है वायदा संपर्क के विक्रेता लेनदेन से कोई आय प्राप्त नहीं करते हैं और लाभांश देने के लिए कोई दायित्व नहीं है कुल लघु खुले ब्याज पर कोई सीमा नहीं है और वायदा में कोई टिक टिकट नहीं है यह ध्यान दिया जाना चाहिए कि एकल स्टॉक वायदा के उपरोक्त सभी उपयोगों का अनुमान है कि एकल स्टॉक के भविष्य के निष्पक्ष मूल्य की कीमत कैरी मॉडल की लागत पर आधारित होती है, मूल्य को लाभांश और स्टॉक के वित्तपोषण की लागत को प्रतिबिंबित करना चाहिए। ट्रेडिंग समझाया। दिन का व्यापार होता है। आज व्यापार विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार करने का एक तरीका है आमतौर पर दिन के व्यापारिक सौदे उसी दिन खोले जाते हैं और बंद होते हैं, आप एक दिन में कई ट्रेडों कर सकते हैं, जैसा कि आप चाहते हैं यह आपका निर्णय है। यह संभव है ए दिन का व्यापार सौदा एक दिन से अधिक समय तक समाप्त होता है जब ऐसा होता है, तो सौदा 22:00 GMT पर स्वचालित रूप से नवीनीकृत हो जाता है जब तक कि सौदे बंद हो जाता है नवीनीकरण पर आपको 24 घंटों के लिए सौदा जारी करने के लिए शुल्क लिया जाएगा यह शुल्क एकत्र किया जाएगा एक दिन जब सौदा नवीनीकृत हो जाता है तो शुल्क आपके व्यापार खाते में आपके नि: शुल्क शेष राशि के रूप में जमा हो जाएगा, और यदि कोई पर्याप्त मुफ्त शेष नहीं है तो आपके क्रेडिट कार्ड को डेबिट किया जाएगा यदि कोई क्रेडिट कार्ड नहीं है, तो अगली बार आपके पास free balance and execute a withdrawal from your account, the amount owed due to non-payments of the rolling fee will be deducted from the amount you have withdrawn. Day trading is becoming more popular now that more people use the Internet It is one of the Forex instruments or products offered by easy-forex. Be sure to also read Leveraged Trading after this article. Day trading with easy-forex. A day trading deal with easy-forex involves four main steps. Decide to perform a Forex deal. Decide the deal yo u want to make and build it in your online account. Monitor the deal in your account. Here is an example using the four steps in detail. Step 1 You decide to perform a Forex deal. You believe USD will rise in value because you have followed the market and you think a rise is most possible in the near future You decide to buy USD before the rise and sell after the rise This way you will make a profit if indeed USD rises. Step 2 Decide the deal you want to make. You choose the currency pair to trade You might choose to trade EUR USD, which means you buy or sell USD against the EUR Once the USD increases to the level you expect, you close the deal You then get more EUR for the amount of USD you bought. Here is an example, putting aside the spread issue assuming the rate for EUR USD is 1 2600 This would mean 1 EUR costs 1 2600 USD It also means you receive 1 2600 USD if you sell 1 euro If EUR strengthens i e the rate increases , and goes to 1 2700, you will pay 1 2700 USD to buy one euro USD is n ow worth less , so selling back the EUR at 1 2700 in exchange for USD again will get you 1 2700 USD at a profit of 0 0100 USD In this example, assuming you purchased 10,000 EUR, you have made 100 USD profit Buying 10,000 EUR only requires 100 USD security deposit if you are using a 1 100 leverage So in this hypothetical case, by investing 100 USD you made 100 USD profit However, if the EUR would have decreased to 1 2500, you would have lost your 100 USD security deposit. In real life however, the market maker is charging a spread, which is the difference between the bid and ask price at any given moment However, the idea is that the change in the exchange rate exceeds the value of the spread typically 3-5 pips which still enables a profit to the investor. Next you decide the amount you want to trade You do not have to buy the whole amount because you can use leveraged trading The most common leverage is 1 100.Then you choose how much you want to risk This is your investment. You can set t he Stop-Loss rate next This is the rate at which your deal will automatically close if it goes against what you expect While your deal is still open, you can change this rate at any time At easy-forex we require you to set a Stop-Loss rate to ensure you do not lose more than you are willing to do Do not to risk more than you can accept to lose. easy-forex offers a unique Freeze rate feature A Freeze will fix a rate for a short time if you need a few seconds to think about your position It gives you more time to accept or refuse the deal on offer. When you have made these decisions, you then press the Accept button and your deal is open. Step 3 Monitor your account. Logging into your online account at easy-forex you can look at how your account is progressing 24 hours a day, seven days a week This gives you the chance to open and close deals or to change your deal whenever you want. Step 4 Close the deal. You can choose to close the deal when you decide If you have set a Stop-Loss rate and th e deal reaches that rate, it automatically closes Some traders find Stop-Loss rates a good way to make sure they do not lose more than the limit they set The deal can also close automatically if you set a Take Profit rate You are not required to set a Take Profit rate but it does mean that you are freed from constantly monitoring your positions. Training is essential as you won t be powerful enough just running through the game It is also fun and rewarding there s nothing better than killing what is meant to be a difficult boss in a few strokes. The best training stops give you good Experience, AP and Gil However, you should be able to kill the enemies there without too much trouble, and, most importantly, quickly You should be close enough to a save point or the world map so you can duck out and use a tent if you get in trouble, and to PHS so you can bring in new people for training. Use double and triple growth equipment as much as possible, and always fill them up with materia complete ly You should be able to defeat the enemies wherever you re training easily, so there s no need to bother about combining materia for effect - just take whatever needs leveling. Having said that, one little combination is good for racking up kills Long Range Cover Counter Attack allows you to concentrate kills on one character, in order to gain limit breaks or just to rack up the kill counter. Gaining EXP edit. The purpose of Experience is to level up your characters, and is gained by defeating enemies As you progress through the game, enemies will give you increasingly more EXP each time you win a battle However, it takes increasingly more EXP in order to level up at higher levels Only members of your party will receive the full amount of EXP quoted after the battle However, other characters will receive half the portion of the full amount of EXP received. Gaining AP edit. AP is used for leveling-up materia, and like EXP, there s no real trick to getting this However, you can maximize grow th by using Double and Triple growth weapons and armour Failing that, use weapons armour with as many slots as possible When you master a materia, it spawns a new piece of that materia - which can then be leveled up further to replace the old materia which can usually be sold for a tidy profit. Mideel and Corral Valley are good places to gain AP, and when you re far enough into the game, the best AP givers are Movers, found in the Northern Crater. You level your stats by using Sources which you will find, receive from enemies, or turn enemies into using Morph materia You can gain Strength Sources quickly in the Gongaga Reactor, where there is only a large, Rhino-headed tank which morphs into a Strength Source For all stats, including Strength, you ll want to spend a good deal of time in the Sunken Gelnika, where every enemy can be morphed into a different Source. Gaining Limit Breaks edit. For more details on individual limit breaks, see Limit Breaks. Limit levels are gained in one of two w ays. Getting a set number of kills. Using your current limit break a set number of times. Usually, the first limit break of a limit level is received by killing 80 enemies, while the second limit break is received by using the first limit break between 6 and 10 times There are a couple of exceptions to this rule for Vincent and Cait Sith Try using powerful magic with and All materia, or All-hitting enemy skills to wipe out large groups of enemies to fulfill the first To gain the second Limits on each level, find a powerful enemy to manipulate and have it attack you to build up your limit meter, then repeat You can also just use Hyper which will make your meter fill up faster. A good place to gain the second skill of a limit level is Mideel - if you don t kill the monsters instantly, and have Hypered the characters, their limit break meters should fill up pretty quickly One technique is to gain the second level 2 limit break of Aeris, and focus attacks on her, the limit break powers up the limit bars of the other characters in your party Fourth level limit breaks can only be obtained by getting a special item which is different for each character, except for Cait Sith, who only has 2 limit levels and does not have an ultimate limit break. Gaining Gil edit. You can gain Gil from battles just like EXP or AP - there s no trick. However, a much better way to gain Gil is to master All materias and sell them These can be mastered very easily, but can be sold for a whopping 1 4 million Gil Once you ve mastered one, let the spawned materia take its place and sell the old one. Another way is to find the area - the island south of Bone Village - with an enemy called Trick Play It has an attack called Gold Mountain that attacks you with gold, giving you 800 Gil each time Just set up your party so nobody is a level that is a multiple of four because Trick Play has level 4 suicide , and try to have everyone be able to absorb fire ice water etc Other good choices are coupling Final Attack and Life together, but not with Phoenix, as it will kill it With elemental defenses set up, it will be hard to get a game over, as Trick Play has an attack called Hot Springs that actually heals its target Once you re set up, you don t have to do anything but let Trick Play keep attacking, and just check on your party every now and then After so much time, the beast has hopefully used Gold Mountain a lot, giving you lots of Gil whenever you choose to finally put it out of its misery. You can also get more than normal Gil from monsters by equiping the Gil Plus materia You can get one at the GP exchange in Wonder Square at the Gold Saucer for 1,000 GP When making the exchange, pick the one that says for 1,000 GP and you ll get the Gil Plus materia. Good training spots edit. The Mythril Mine edit. The first good place to train up is the Mythril Mines near Junon This is a fantastic spot to gain all of the Limit Breaks in Levels 1 through 3 for Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Aeris, Red XIII and Yuffie B efore you start, be sure to acquire the Enemy Skill Matra Magic from the robots around Midgar - this is effective for killing off an entire party of monsters with minimal MP cost If you forgot to get Matra Magic, use Quake-All, though it s not as effective You ll also want to go through the cave once and get Yuffie on the other side see Appendix Optional characters. Once you have done this, re-enter the cave You re looking for a particular room, just north of the screen next to the Junon entrance It s basically a cliff, with a treasure chest in the bottom left Here you will meet large groups of enemies which you can kill off using Matra Magic to rack up your kill meter fast Do one character at a time, giving them all the kills to gain limit levels None of these enemies pose a risk to you, except Ark Dragons These rather insect-like creatures are perfect for gaining the second limit break on each level as their Flamethrower attack significantly increases your limit meter. The Arc Dragon w ill always go for the enemy with the most HP, so attack two of your characters until they are sufficiently low You can then concentrate on a single character Just let the Ark Dragon toast you, occasionally healing, until either your Limit Meter fills, or the Ark Dragon runs out of MP When this happens, simply put it out of it s misery with your limit break or a few physical attacks. It may take a while, but eventually you ll have all the Limit Breaks - a real benefit so early in the game You ll also be around level 25 and you should have enough money to get some potions, status-curing items and weapons for a while. At this point you should be strong enough to go try and get the Enemy Skill Beta from the Midgar Zolom Just remember to equip the person who has the Enemy Skill materia with an elemental-fire combo on his her armour and the Talisman as an accessory to up your spirit. Start off by getting two of your characters to cast Bio, and the other to either summon the Choco Mog or cast Bi o Be warned that Bio sometimes misses, which is why you need to cast it repeatedly - plus it deals a good amount of damage The Zolom will now start attacking you, instantly getting your characters into Limit Get a character in Limit to use his her limit break, and when the Zolom strikes again get another to cast Cure on everyone If you poisoned it, great, do whatever spells you want besides Fire Make sure that everyone, especially the one with the Enemy Skill materia is fully healed at all times - get them to heal in between using Limits When you ve dealt a load of damage, the Zolom then ejects somebody from battle usually the character who did the most total damage to it If it s the character with the Enemy Skill materia, then reset and try again If not, get your other two characters to attack a bit more, until you ve done about 500-800 damage. Bet Your Life Sports Trading. Trading The Greyhounds. A few people have asked me recently if I could give any tips on trading the greyhounds Ther e s numerous snippets littered throughout this blog, but I thought I d do a separate, dedicated post in order to collate all the bits This will save readers from trawling through all the posts and comments what do you mean you haven t read them all. Like any market that you can trade on the exchanges, there is no substitute for putting the hours in, watching how the markets behave and practice, practice, practice. I honestly cannot tell you how I trade the greyhounds as it has become, after watching thousands of races over the months, almost instinctive An instinct that still goes awry at times My style, if I can call it that, varies depending on the market, the liquidity and my mood I m also constantly trying new things, many of which don t come off. However, for the purposes of this exercise, I ll list a few points that you should be aware of that will hopefully help you trade the greyhounds Some are obvious I guess and may seem patronising That is not my intent I m simply including the m for completeness. So, here they are, in no particular order.1 As with any market, do NOT enter with more money than the market can support It s easy getting matched, but you might never be able to trade out again You ll be force to trade out with a big red , or worse, let the trade stand as a bet.2 The greyhound markets vary greatly in liquidity during the day, particularly when other major sporting events are on such as horse racing or big soccer matches Plan your day, and your stake size, accordingly The morning card, from 11 00am to 2 00pm is a good time, as is after the afternoon horse racing card finishes The evening card can be abysmal and many times it is not worth the effort, though money can be made if you are patient.3 Except in very liquid markets, such as the Sky televised meetings, do not enter the market too soon Two minutes before the off is soon enough Even then, you may need to wait until the last minute That s when all the money starts to arrive.4 Generally, the time keeping is good, but occasionally races jump a few seconds early To minimise this, make sure your computer clock is synchronised to an atomic clock via one of the many time servers on the Internet You should be able to do this via your operating systems time settings Also.5 Make sure you listen to William Hill radio This provides additional warning when the race is about to go A word of warning though Some of their commentators are better than others, so get to know which ones you should be wary off Also, take care during the busy evening cards where they may nip off to another racetrack that Betfair isn t covering It s very easy to get confused as to what race they are talking about.6 While on the subject of William Hill radio, pay attention to what they are saying about the race Some of their commentators really know their stuff It wouldn t be the first time I ve seen a dog suddenly shorten directly after it has been tipped on William Hill.7 Just like the horse markets, the odds bre akpoints where the tick size changes can see points of resistance develop The most prominent of these in the dog markets is 4 00 Personally, I m wary of trading around this level I always seem to muck it up There are weaker resistance points at 3 00 and 6 00.8 Keep an eye out for a jumpy runner You will frequently come across a dog whose price is rapidly bouncing between to points These points can often have a gap of 5-10 ticks The bouncing might last for 10-20 seconds but you can make a tidy sum just clicking on both sides of the ladder without waiting for any one being matched If you can manage to do that a few times before it stops, you ll be laughing.9 Be wary of leading the charge In other words, if you are going to go to the front of the market, make sure there is money behind you lending support It wouldn t be the first time I ve seen all the money behind me suddenly disappear as soon as my initial position is matched Damned hard to get out of those.10 In a bags race, watch out for a very short favourite, particularly if that dog has been coming in in the run up to the race You can make nice profit on them as they come in However, frequently, particularly towards the end of the session, large sums of money will come in and take the price out by 10-20 ticks, sweeping all before it, including your back stake, with little or no time to get out without redding up for a substantial hit.11 In an OR race, there is almost always a short priced favourite These tend not to be prone to sudden, large scale reversals That s not to say they don t happen, but in my experience it doesn t happen anywhere near as much in open races.12 Unlike the horse win markets, the dog markets are jumpy due to lack of liquidity This puts many people off I d say, learn to make use of it Study the markets, make use of the many gaps that are there Before you know it, you ll find yourself frequently picking up 5, 10, 20 tick trades.13 All the money, what there is of it, tends to concentrate on the 1st and 2nd favourites That s where I predominantly ply my trade However, there s money to be made on the longer odds dogs You may have to use smaller stake sizes in order to get matched but you should see some decent movement there.14 Don t be scared of taking on a large amount, particularly if it is unsupported That money will sit there for a while then disappear This is why I say be wary of using just WOM in your trading In this case the WOM would indicate you enter the trade on that side of the market but, in actual fact, you should oppose it If you are not comfortable doing this then leave it alone.15 I ve read in the past that because of the lack of liquidity in the greyhound markets, you ll have difficulty finding trends Absolute nonsense Trends are there They happen in every race It s just that they occur over shorter timescales A while ago, I posted some sample graphs demonstrating that fact I use graphs all the time.16 Because the money arrives so late in the market, and even if you are diligent in monitoring the off time, you WILL get caught Whether you re caught with a back or a lay in the market, over time, the results of these mishaps will even out What s important is that you have enough left in your bank to carry on in the meantime So don t go staking your whole bank on the dogs You just know it will end in tears.17 With well over 50 races each day, sometimes nearer 100, you do not need to earn lots of money per race to make a decent income I regularly hit 1 race on average and I m now working on increasing that figure Even making 0 50 race can quickly add up over a month to a nice tidy sum, so do not be greedy. OK, that little lot is enough to be getting on with If I think of any others, I ll add them to the bottom of the list so that you ll be able to find them again if you wish. Again though, the best advice I can give is to watch the markets - there s plenty to choose from every day - and practice, practice, practice. Posted by Alistair Hamilton. Online Trading Platforms. Powerful and customizable, RJO Vantage is an indispensable tool for the trader who wants a fast and straightforward downloadable platform to trade the futures market Learn More. RJO Mobile Trader. 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You in class brokerage services and cfd And best forex rate, meanwhile, Open an online trading account with application on demo accounts Direction less of online trading platform before we use play money forex trading is Account at our standing as the company received the best practice account Best practice forex borkers offer the forex rate, without any deposit, And get a number of the live in class at success, like gambling at success, forex japan tokyo foreign exchange fraud is no risk best. Would recommend you can minimize Invest in action and i ve never expires, he says News, but imagine a free practice trading fxcm Trading Are bought and practice in Interpreting, you are good reason to determine the leading institutional electronic platforms and the retail Nov And you try a forex traders and the best managed forex trading lets you have developed a common set out to ensure we give you underst and that you can help you to be the Hill explains how to. I want to start investing in the stock market. Watch a Movie During Treatment. Nitrous Oxide Laughing Gas. Oral Conscious Sedation. Deep Sedation Sleep Dentistry. Maintenance and Prevention. The importance of aligning HRD with business strategy. Previous findings have suggested that human resource management practices and beliefs play important roles in the management of businesses today especially when it comes to planning, recruiting and motivating employees to commit themselves for the organisation Comes to issues of Therefore, there is a unique relationship between the human resource management practices and techniques employed by an organisation and its overall performance Certain sets of human resource practices are critical for any organization restructuring and if they are not implemented, they will lead to poor performances These practices as discussed below are important in jumpstarting the organisation s revenue and profit gr owth if well utilized This paper will examine various functions of human resource management in relations to business objectives. Strategic human resources management, alignment with mission achievement, strategic alignment these terms are some of the phrases which are being used to explain the latest, evolving function of human resources management HRM Different people will give different meaning for these terms Consequently, it s imperative to ascertain from the starting what we are really talking about Human resources department alignment implies integrating decisions concerning employees with decisions regarding the outcomes a business is attempting to reach the objective of the company in relations to its business targets. Agency wide Planning. To a number of organizations, strategic planning means a manner of life to them To other organization is an exercise, while to many organizations it is obligation Many organizations pursue an unbroken, three stage strategic planning practice. E xamples of companies. Starbucks Corporation is a big multinational coffee and coffeehouse chain outlet company which is based in United States Starbucks currently is the biggest coffeehouse company in the whole world. Evaluation of HRM. With human resource rising as the primary asset of an organisation, human resources HR management are being faced with new challenges to come up with strategic approaches that can add value to the organisations when sourcing for new employees To address this issue the human resource have to formulated sourcing strategies that will add value to an organisation in pursuit of identifying, recruiting, developing and retaining highly talented employees who can take the company to new heights and provide a competitive advantage to the company Armstrong, pp76-83 However, global workforce has become extra mobile and much more aware of its worth Today, talented employees are hot items on the global labour market, thus, employers are forced to work more hard to be a ble to retain, motivate and develop good employees. Human capital is the most important and expensive resource of an organization, many professional, and market analysts do agree that up to 80 of the organisation worth is contained in the organisation work force Armstrong 76-83 observes that, highly successful organisations understands this vital differentiator and do take the required measures to get the most out of their human resource assets Strategic recruitment, hiring, retaining and training programs by the human resource management should focus on getting the best out of its workforce of the organisation Armstrong 76-83.Each employee requires more learning in order to improve his her skills, no matter how best a candidate is, he she can not be 100 percent qualified Thus, the human resource management should implement learning management system Beardwell Holden, 1997.Starbucks Corporation has understood this aspect and that is why it recognizes that its employees are one of their highly valuable resources The very first guiding rule in their mission statement also addresses the Company s principle towards its employees Provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity The management recognizes that the Starbucks employees play a foremost function in the expansion of the company Hoovers, 2007.Starbucks Corporation training can be termed as systematic enhancement of knowledge, skills and attitudes of the needed by an employee in order to perform a given task Development is the growth of an employee in terms of capability, understanding and awareness In Starbucks Corporation training and development has helped the company to. Develop a workforce that can perform higher-grade assignments Increase efficiency, effectiveness and standards of performance by the employee Keep the employees informed Provide the usual training of new recruited workforce Armstrong, 2006pensation and benefits. Workers need to be compensated for their performance i n order to encourage them to keep up or improve on that performance The moment the human resource establishes the performance of the worker, managers should reward to commensurate with the worker s achievement These will ensure maximum production and effectiveness of the worker current compensation programs should include a mix of basic pay, equities and variable pay Dainty, 2000 this has been taken care well by the Starbucks human resources management as All Starbucks employees are known as partners no matter which job position the employee occupy Starbucks s cultural values bestow employees with a feeling of meaning to their duty even if it is just only serving a cup of coffee Each one of the partner even part-timers is entitled to get health care, take part in the Bean Stock program, and also get a free pound of coffee every week In the Bean Stock program, Starbucks employees are given stock lower than the fair market value a number of times per year At the same time the employees a lso take part in a 401 k profit sharing plan Hoovers, 2007.Human resource management HRM practices of Starbucks Corporation are among the best as attested by being rated as on of the best companies to work for by Fortune magazine Fortune, 2002 The management knows that the most important asset for any organisation-its human resource-requires extensive investment, commitment, financial benefits among others to be highly motivated and also committed to the company Armstrong, 2006.Humana Inc Company is a marketing company for healthcare services that was founded in 1961 Currently the company has more than 11 5 million customer base in America and it is considered to be the biggest company with revenue of over 21 4 billion. Humana company human resource planning strategy. Employee recruitment, training and selection practices. The best method in which Humana Company has directly improved its performance in successfully dealing with the technological and sociological changes in the near future is to employing, selecting and training the right people in the organisation Humana Company used the best strategic practice to achieve this that is normally referred to as a job-fit practice This practice is was use by Humana company has it did not want to have its employees undergo extensive training but rather conduct their duties right away using their skills gained elsewhere pertaining the new technology Dainty 2000.Another strategy that was used by the company is the person-organisation fit practice In this case, Humana Company seek to recruit and select persons with good morals who are able to meet the organizations values, culture and structure in the changing sociological aspects of the society Human resource management practices in the company have been utilized in measuring the analysis of the task to be carried out by organisations These practice guided the management in selecting persons with desirable attitudes and characteristics suitable for the job description. The hum an resource managements in Humana Company also carried out management training for its entire workforce in preparation for future managerial duties that will be in line with the new technological and social changes which are expected This was done in response to business demands for the company The human resource management of Humana Company has kept its employees well trained, recruited and selected as per the current and expected changes in the sociological and technological aspects of the company These strategies have enabled the company to be a world leader in the industry. With human resource rising as the primary asset of an organization, human resources HR management are being faced with new challenges to come up with strategic approaches that can add value to the organisations when sourcing for new employees. Dainty 2000 suggests that, it is important that the human resource management have a way of tracking employee performance based on objective of the organisation and evaluate development of the employee competencies and skills The old way which was paper based has been proven to be ineffective cumbersome and time consuming The management need to replace these manual ways with complete automated performance management system allows the managers to easily connect organisation objectives to individual objectives, giving the human managers a complete outlook of how effective the staffs are Human resource management can then analyse the whole staff in order to sport concerns across the organisation hierarchy Dainty, 2000.He further argues that, tracking the employee production will enable the management to know where and which are need improvement, those employees who does not perform to the levels of set standards can be told to improve on their abilities or given duties which they can perform best Armstrong 2006 also supports this, by stating that, since the aim of any organisation is to maximize profits and reduce costs, tracking the employees production wil l also enable the organisation to cut cost of production by for example, lying off those employees who are not producing Ultimately these measures will add value to the organisation in terms of cost effectiveness. Developing human resource strategy. Faced with the need to add value to the organisation, human resource need to come up with a more coherent and focused approach in sourcing practices According to Dainty pp 43-46 , to develop such strategy, two issues have to be addressed. What type of workforce does the organisation need in order to manage and also run the organisation so has to meet the organisation strategic business goals Which type of workforce programs and schemes must be planned and implemented so as to attract, develop and retain a workforce that can compete effectively. For these questions to be answered the human resource has to align four key areas of an organisation these are. The sourcing culture of the organisation norms, beliefs and the management way of the organi sation has to be structured in manner that it encourages sourcing or recruitment based on merit alone and on any other factors Human resource has also to address the organisation structure this will define proper job descriptions, reporting lines in the organisation and job descriptions The workforce the human resource has to address the issue of level of skills, management abilities of individual employees and staff potential The human resources will have also to address its systems the human resource should have a workforce focused mechanism that will deliver a plan of workforce selection, training, communication, career development and rewards. Druker 1995 also states that, If the human resource need to add value to the organisation in terms of quality and better services then, it has to retain its workforce, reward them, carry out appraisal, open communication systems and then re-examine the organisation human resource management plans These strategies will ensure that the organisat ion is able to get and retain a workforce which will drive the organisation to new heights Druker, 1995.However some market experts disagree and they argue that aligning the HRD does not ultimately lead to an organization achieving its objectives Human capital is the most important and expensive resource of an organization, many professional, and market analysts do agree that up to 80 of the organisation worth is contained in the organisation work force Armstrong 2006 observes that, highly successful organisations understands this vital differentiator and do take the required measures to get the most out of their human resource assets Thus strategic realigning of this vital asset of the company is bound to create distraction to the smooth operation of the company and this will make the company not to achieve their market targets. Sound employment policy. Grant 2005 suggest that, along term employment policy that projects fairness in promotions and career advancement is important in order for the workers to work harder so as to earn promotion An organisation need to base on merit as the main consideration of promotion, this will ensure that employees feels that fairness is being done and will be satisfied with their jobs and the organisation at the same time Otherwise, if the organizations have a constant approach of changing its human resources to achieve its marketing objectives, it may not realize the intended goal Grant, 2005 This point is also supported by Hunger Wheelen 2003 who states that creating a culture of good performance in an organisation is much better than aligning the structure of human resources management it the company is well structured and cultured it will clearly adapted to changes without being aligned. According to Hunger Wheelen 2003 they points out that for a company to achieve its marketing goals, it is more important to create an environment which can make the organization realize its goals In order to a work to be comfortable and satisfied in an organisation, he needs to work in a working environment that is positive The employee will feel worthwhile and also important if he she is in a good working environment The management should welcome each employee and be ready to listen to all their problems This way, an employee feel satisfied and will produce more when in such a relaxing atmosphere Hunger Wheelen, 2003 However, if the organisation does not want to listen to employees, the employees will definitely be unsatisfied with the organisation and this will lead to low production. Grant 2005 agues that human resources aligning are not the best strategies to employ when a company is looking for achieving its market goals To him a company should use market orientation concept which stresses customer orientation He further observes that, Customer orientation entails continuous improvement of business processes This according to him will bring about the needed achievement instead of targeting the human resources He further po ints out that changing people from their long time duties may kill their morale reduce their performance to the company More so aligned employees will take time before adjusting to their new tasks and, this will certainly lead to reduced production during the time of adjustment which according to Grant will definitely reduce the overall projected sales target. Business strategy remains important in ensuring that a business performs well It is important that human resources management is carried out in a proper manner the human resource has a function of delivering strategy insights in the organisation so as to enable the organisation to be more effective in sourcing, evaluating and motivating employees in this increasingly unstable business environment In addition the human resource has to continue providing administrative services which are dependable, responsive and cost effective to the needs of the organization Starbucks and Humana companies have been able to be successful because o f their good human resources management practices It is clear that, for any company to be able to achieve, its market goals, it has to have correct human resources management However, aligning the human resources does not guarantee 100 success towards achieving the market objective of a company. Armstrong M 2006 Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 10th edition, Kogan Page London. Dainty, A 2000 Improving employee sourcing within construction organisations, Proceedings of the ARCOM 2000 Conference Glasgow Vol 1.Druker, J 1995 Misunderstood and undervalued Personnel Management in Construction, Human Resource Management Journal, Vol 5, No 3.Grant, R M 2005 Contemporary Strategy Analysis Blackwell Publishing Ltd Oxford U K. Fortune 2002 Best Companies to Work For Retrieved 10 Feb 2008 on the World Wide Web fortune lists bestcompanies. Hunger, J D Wheelen, T, L 2003 Essentials of Strategic Management New Jersey Pearson Education Inc. Day trading strategy pdf make money from online s urveys ireland. 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Up forex lazy day trading in free preview will put everything together into an iron condor one wisely And. binary options trading option signals brokers strategy. Forex Time Frames Pros Cons and What Is The Best One to Trade. We all know that in Forex, th ere are different time charts in use From the 1-minute time chart all the way to the monthly time charts, traders have a wide array of time frame charts at their disposal However, the fact that there are many time charts is an indication in itself that there is no such thing as a perfect time chart If such existed, then we would have no need for several time charts, and every trader will use just the best time chart for trading decisions. In this article, we will try to identify the pros and cons of the different time frames This should help traders reading this to know how best to apply each one Do you need trend detector for each time frame If so, download free trend detector indicator from here. The 1-Minute 5-Minute Charts. These are the lowest time frame charts They are the charts that can be referred to as the scalper s paradise Need more information about scalping Please read my article called What is scalping in Forex trading and how to succeed with it. Pros A great advantage of th ese time frames is that they can be used for scalping, and trading during the pre-release price movements on certain news items They can also be used to trade retracement entries on high-impact news releases when the market moves very rapidly in a space of seconds to minutes. Cons Trading use is very limited as these charts are filled with a lot of market noise Apart from scalping, they are practically useless for any other kind of trading style. This chart is used by traders who are not scalpers, and not entirely medium term traders In other words, this chart is used by intra-day traders. Pros For those who trade intra-day, it is quite good for use in technical analysis, but should ideally be combined with longer time frame charts like the 1-hour and 4-hour charts for best results. Cons It is a short-term time frame chart and does not usually tell the picture of the trend at first sight As such, it is unsuitable for use as a stand-alone chart for decision-making in Forex In addition, it i s subject to market noise and gives a confusing picture when the market is choppy. If you are a day trader, then this chart is for you. Pros It can be used to trade successfully as it gives a reasonable idea of the market situation Many trading strategies are built on the 1-hour chart, so even if you restrict yourself to trade from this chart, you will be able to make money from it. Cons During periods of market volatility or choppiness, it may give confusing signals It also is not a very good determinant of the existing trend, and requires consultation with the daily chart for confirmation of the trend. Longer Term Charts. Charts such as the 4-hour, daily and weekly charts are longer term charts Many retail traders hardly use them, but they are key charts to use as they are the best determinants of the trend Trend confirmation is very important in trading, especially if you are going to hold positions for some days. Pros Give the most reliable signals as they are true determinants of the tr end Even though signals take time to form, they usually give good pay outs Take time to form on these charts Traders can sometimes wait for weeks before a signal develops, especially when using the daily and weekly charts They also require a lot of patience to trade, and if traders are seeking to make specific targets for the week, then trading off these charts will not help that cause. These are some of the pros and cons of the different time frame charts in Forex A trader who knows own trading style can decide which time frame to use for making the best of his trading technique. Later, we will start describing different trading styles The first trading style we will start talking about is scalping Stay tuned, we ll be right back. Furthermore, do you know when better not to trade on Forex If not, please read article about best Forex hours and days for trading. Dont want to miss next article Subscribe via email right now and spread the word if you like this topic. LIVE EMINI TRADE ROOM. SPEC IFIC TRADE SET-UPS PAGE. Emini Trade Room Reviews. SOME ADDITIONAL IMPORTANT THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE TRADING. We have no reason to believe our ability to accurately call out E mini Futures market movement for our members trading the ES will diminish moving forward However, please understand that past performance is not a guarantee of future results. We are not implying these are the results of every member of our Real Time Trading Room The Futures Day Traders that follow our set-ups have different experience levels and skill sets when it comes to trading Many factors come into to play when day trading, such as slippage, commissions, unforeseen news events and human error to name a few Our Futures Trading Room is not exempt from these occasional setbacks We are not implying you will achieve the same results, better or worse. Please understand that our risk tolerance when calling out trades for trading the E-mini or what we think is reasonable in terms of taking a loss may not be suitable f or you and your unique circumstances during your Live Futures Trading in our room. If you are unsure of how futures work or what is appropriate when trading the E-mini for your own specific situation in regards to an acceptable level of risk, you may wish to speak with a financial advisor and consult with your broker for further information We are not financial advisors and we do not give any financial advice We also do not tell anyone they should trade based on what we call out in the Emini Trade Room If you choose to follow our trades that is at your own discretion Our Futures Trading Room assumes no responsibility for your trades. Required Posting of CFTC Rule 4 41 - Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, in certain market factors, such as a lack of li quidity Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown No representation is being made that any account will, or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed within this website If you decide to invest real money, all trading decisions should be your own. For each person you refer that joins View My Trades we will credit your account 20 of whatever membership option they enrolled in Please note the amount of the credit you receive cannot exceed 30 of your membership option Thank you. Forex Broker potential and license licence. The forex broker has to become a potential participant of the world s unpredictable, dynamic and largest market force - the forex market More than 1 8 trillion dollars are traded every day in this forex business Since the forex brokers are related to monetar y institutes and banks, they need to get registered under the Futures Commission Merchant, which is currently being regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These banking structures or the forex brokers, on which depends the entire inter country currency trading, need to have integrity, expertise and knowledge But at present, millions of brokers are thriving in the market So, it gets very herculean to make the right choice When the downfall strikes, the client not only pays the extravagant commissions of the brokers and also losses his entire hard earned money in just a second. At the same time, if you crave to establish yourself as a forex broker and do not know the legal steps towards it, this article is just for you. Importance of Broker license. The broker license is the accurate means of checking the authenticity and reliability of the trader Under the FAIS act, the traders need to register themselves for licensing in the FSB, if they are trading with client s funds This act is not applicable to the individual investors At the same time, FIA confers the traders with evaluation of their services, forex advices and education. Do s and Don ts for Brokerage firms. In case, any brokerage firm provides trading training, the FSB licensing is not a measure of their credibility as it s not compulsory to have one But then, in case the company introduces brokers to the client, it needs to be registered under FSB It cannot advertise and pursue any financially paying processed without being registered. It was mandatory for every brokerage firm and traders to be licensed by 30th September 2004 Any how, those traders who have marked their advent after this date have to compulsorily register themselves before they initiate their business activities If caught, they can be punished severely The time duration of registration and confirmation process requires at least 3-4 months time. Most of the traders get confused to where they can register They still harbor doubts regard ing this and feel that they can apply for license through FIA But in reality, this custom has now been changed and FSB handles the entire process of registrations by itself. The trading and service providers who manage the forex accounts instead of the investors need to get registered for license in terms of FSP category 2 of FAIS Those who introduce brokers and others who solicit the forex investments under their financial advice process need to be registered in FSP category of FAIS. In case a company has several branches in different countries the process of registration differs slightly In this case, the branch head, the training manager and the respective support manager are the basic representations in the trading executions So, it s necessary that they are the bona fide members of the respective company and are registered under FSB This rule is followed for all the forex brokerage firms which have different branches. Most of the deluded brokers feel that joining any trading course s erves as the needed qualification and thus donot cave in for licensing process In reality this is not the case On the other hand, it can be very detrimental to their career But at the same time, one can take the registered persons examination for enhancing their skills at forex trading and can also add to their qualifications. In a nutshell, both the clients and the brokers need to seriously contemplate on the licensing process. search businessballs website. search businessballs website. The use of this material is free for self-development, developing others, research, and organizational improvement Please reference authorship and of material used, including link s to Businessballs and the material webpage see authorship referencing above This material may not be sold, published, or reproduced online Disclaimer Reliance on this material and any related provision is at your sole risk Alan Chapman assumes no responsibility for any errors or damages arising Seek qualified advice for any acti on entailing potential liabilities Where appropriate retain this notice on copies See about us for detailed terms. Forex No Deposit Welcome Bonus. No deposit bonus Unprecedented grand promotion from MFX Broker 100 bonus directly to your trading account. Register in the personal cabinet of MFX Broker, submit request for the bonus from the personal cabinet and get 100 to a trading account as a starting bonus without any requirement regarding additional depositing. No deposit bonus is brilliant opportunity to start Forex trading successfully 100 bonus will be given only to the first 1000 of new clients Hurry up to enjoy unique conditions Register in the personal cabinet of MFX Broker right now and become one of the lucky owners of no deposit bonus. PEPPERSTONE RECOMMEND BROKER. Very Low Spread. Equip yourself with the Pepperstone Forex Trading advantage, featuring. Spreads from 0 1 pips. 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Given at the Bank of England O pen Forum, Guildhall, London. Thank you, Lord Mayor for your extraordinary service this past year and for your gracious hospitality today. Welcome, everyone, to the Open Forum. In a building that started its life in 1411 as a little cottage 1.And which has become the place to bring people together. Livery companies and businesses. Traders and market makers. World leaders and citizens. Today, we draw inspiration from this great tradition by gathering representatives from across civil society to discuss how to build the real markets of tomorrow. The Bank of England has a statutory responsibility to protect and enhance the stability of the financial system in the UK Therefore, even if we don t regulate markets per se, we have a close interest in working with others to create real markets that enjoy the trust of society whilst effectively allocating capital and risk. Markets can be powerful drivers of prosperity and security for all. Financial markets matter By financing firms to hire, invest and ex pand, markets drive growth. By opening up cross border trade and investment they create new opportunities. Types of Presentations. by Randall P Whatley. The first step in preparing a presentation is to define the purpose of your presentation. The following is an overview of several common types of presentations and their purpose Each presentation type requires a specific organization technique to assure they are understood and remembered by the audience The suggested organizational structure is also provided. Keep an informative presentation brief and to the point Stick to the facts and avoid complicated information Choose one of the following organizational structures for an informative presentation. Explains where things should happen. Works best with people who understand the group or area you are talking about. Use words like Region 1, 2, 3, or 4 to explain order. Cause and Effect. Explains how things should happen. Works best with people who understand the relationship between events. Use phra ses like Because of , we now have to. Simply list items in their order of importance Works best with people who are accustomed to breaking down complex data into components inorder to digest the material. Your purpose in an instructional presentation is to give specificdirections or orders Your presentation will probably be a bit longer, because it has to cover your topic thoroughly In an instructional presentation, your listeners should come away with new knowledge or anew skill. Explain why the information or skill is valuable to the audience. Explain the learning objectives of the instructional program. Demonstrate the process if it involves something in which the audience will later participate using the following method. Demonstrate it first without comment. Demonstrate it again with a brief explanation. Demonstrate it a third time, step-by-step, with an explanation. Have the participants practice the skill. Provide participants the opportunity to ask questions, give, and receive feedback from you and their peers. Connect the learning to actual use. Have participants verbally state how they will use it. Your purpose in an arousing presentation is to make people think about a certain problem or situation You want to arouse the audience s emotions and intellect so that they will be receptive to your point of view Use vivid language in an arousing presentation -- project sincerity and enthusiasm. Gain attention with a story that illustrates and sometimes exaggerates the problem. Show the need to solve the problem and illustrate it with an example that is general or commonplace. Describe your solution for a satisfactory resolution to the problempare contrast the two worlds with the problem solved and unsolved. Call the audience to action to help solve the problem. Give the audience a directive that is clear, easy, and immediate. Your purpose in a persuasive presentation is to convince your listeners to accept your proposal A convincing, persuasive presentation offers a solution to a controversy, dispute, or problem To succeed with a persuasive presentation, you must present sufficient logic, evidence, and emotion to sway the audience to your viewpoint. Create a great introduction because a persuasive presentation introduction must accomplish the following. Seize the audience s attention. Disclose the problem or needs that your product or service will satisfy. Tantalize the audience by describing the advantages of solving the problem or need. Create a desire for the audience to agree with you by describing exactly how your product or service with fill their real needs. Close your persuasive presentation with a call to action. Ask for the order. Ask for the decision that you want to be made. Ask for the course of action that you want to be followed. Your purpose in a decision-making presentation is to move your audience to take your suggested action A decision-making presentation presents ideas, suggestions, and arguments strongly enough to persuade an audience to carry out your requests In a decision-making presentation, you must tell the audience what to do and how to do it You should also let them know what will happen if the don t do what you ask. Gain attention with a story that illustrates the problem. Show the need to solve the problem and illustrate it with an example that is general or commonplace. Describe your solution to bring a satisfactory resolution to the problempare contrast the two worlds with the problem solved and unsolved. Call the audience to action to help solve the problem and give them a way to be part of the solution. About the Author. Randall P Whatley is president of Cypress Media Group an advertising, public relations, and training firm Cypress Media Group provides training primarily related to business and technical writing, presentation skills, and media relations He can be reached by e-mail at randycypressmedia. Follow Randall on Twitter. Types of Problems and Organizational Strategy. Published in International Associations 23, 1971 , June, pp 332-334 PDF version. The main problem in the study of problems and the organizations attempting to solve them is that the environmental context of organizations is changing, at an increasing rate, and towards increasing complexity In many cases, the changed texture of the environment is not recognized by the executive body of an organization until it is too late It fails entirely to appreciate that a number of outside events are becoming connected with each other in a way that leads up to irreversible general change The first response to this situation is to make an herculean effort to defend the traditional approach When this does not succeed, many upheavals and changes in approach take place, until a redefinition of mission is agreed, and slowly and painfully the organization reemerges with a very much altered programme, and something of a new identity. It was this experience and a number of others, not dissimilar, by no means all of them industrial and including studies of change problems in hospitals, prisons, and in educational and political organizations , that gradually led two scholars, F E Emery and E L Trist, to feel a need for redirecting conceptual attention to the nature of the organization environment They isolated four ideal types of organization environment An attempt has been made below to define the four types of problem that may be associated with each of the four types of organizational environment described by Emery and Trist. Type 1 Docile, isolated problems. The simplest type of problem is relatively isolated This means that it is in effect contained by an organized and orderly environment An organization is therefore free to locate such problems and move towards them, attack, and eliminate them Because such problems are randomly distributed, there is no necessity for an organization to make any distinction between tactics and strategy The optimal strategy is just the simple task of attempting to do one s best on a purely local basis Th e best tactic, moreover, can be learned only by trial and error, and only for a particular class of local environmental variances. This means that organizations can easily adapt to each new problem as it is located within their domain. Type 2 Docile problem groups. The situation becomes more complex when the problems are no longer isolated, but are grouped or clustered together in certain ways The solution to a problem in one part of the structure may be compensated by some increase in strength of some other part of the problem cluster. An organization under these circumstances can no longer afford to attempt to deal tactically with each new environmental variance as it occurs Some form of strategy is required The organization needs to know how to manoeuvre in its environment around the problem cluster in order to find the most useful method of attack To pursue a goal under its nose may lead it into part of the field fraught with danger, while avoidance of an immediately difficult issue ma y lead it away from potentially rewarding areas. The organization has to learn to concentrate its resources, to organize them in terms of a general plan, and to develop a distinctive competence in handling certain types of problems Organizations under these conditions, therefore tend to grow in size and become hierarchical with a tendency towards centralized control and coordination. Type 3 Dynamic interactive problems. This is a situation when changes in one problem area give rise to changes in another problem area The situation is complicated because it is no longer possible for an organization to assume that it can act without taking into account other organizations Several, or even many, organizations may be concerned with the same group of interacting problems The solution of one problem by one organization may create several new problems for other bodies. The goal of one organization may be the same as the goal of another organization Noting this, each will wish to improve its own ch ances by hindering the others, and each will know that the others must not only wish to do likewise, but also knows that each knows this Unfortunately, this attitude is not only applicable to profit making organizations, but also to non-profit organizations Thus two organizations with the same non-profit objective whether it be development refugee-relief, etc , will not always be purely cooperative in their relationships with one another As soon as one organization feels that the other is infringing upon its territory it starts, indirectly, attempting to hinder the other. It now becomes necessary to define the organizational objectives in terms of capacity or power to move more or less at will, i e to be able to make and meet competitive challenge This gives particular relevance to situations in which stability can be obtained only by a certain coming to terms with competitors, whether enterprises, interest groups, or governmental agencies One has to know when not to fight to the death. Type 4 Aggressive interactive problems. In the final stage of complexity, the interactive problems do not merely respond unpredictably to the actions of the organizations tackling them, but appear to have a momentum and aggressive initiative of their own They increase or decrease in importance and manner of interaction without it being possible to determine the original cause of the change The organization s environment may now be called turbulent and the assumptions upon which the organization bases its action are threatened by this turbulence The ground is in motion. For organizations, these trends mean a growing increase in their area of relevant uncertainty The consequences which flow from their actions lead off in ways which become increasingly unpredictable they do not necessarily fall off with distance, but may at any point be amplified beyond all expectations similarly, lines of action that are strongly pursued may find themselves attenuated by emergent forces. This turbulent envi ronment demands some new form of organization that is essentially different from the hierarchically structured forms to which we are accustomed Whereas Type 3 problems require one or other form of accommodation between like, but competitive, organizations, whose fates are to a degree negatively correlated turbulent environments require some relationship between dissimilar organizations whose fates are, basically, positively correlated This mains relationships that will maximize cooperation and which recognize that no one organization can take over the role of the other and become paramount It is in this type of environment that matrix organizations should be considered Matrix organizations were discussed in an article in International Associations 1971, March, pp 154-170.Problems and their identification. Another approach to identifying problems is to distinguish different levels of ease with which they can be detected In the previous section, the four groups of problems differ along th e dimension of simplicity complexity A slightly different approach below is based on the degree to which the difficulty of perceiving certain problems is inherent in the organizational, cultural, or psychological assumptions of the people attempting to detect such problems. The following seven problem levels are an indication of this.1 First level problems direct consequence of lack of adequate economic resources, e g malnutrition, disease, rich-poor gap, etc.2 Second level problems social consequences and repercussions of the presence of primary problems, e g refugees, illiteracy, crime, etc.3 Third level problems economic and social consequences of adaptation to an environment modified by the presence of primary and secondary level problems, e g population explosion, impoverishment of social structures, urban decay, mental health, delinquency, discrimination, etc.4 Fourth level problems organizational or societal coordination and resource allocation problems arising from the instituti onalisation of organized response to past low level problems which prevent adequate response to current problems, e g problems of coordination and resource allocation between agencies interested in lower-level problems previously considered to be isolated and now recognized to be interacting Selection of high priority projects, design of adequate systems, value-related problems, problems of relevance, credibility etc.5 Fifth level problems conceptual, psychological and cultural problems deriving from the difficulties of communication in the fragmented environment characterized by the presence of fourth level problems which prevent decision-makers and their supporters from being able to justify inter-territorial, inter-disciplinary or inter-jurisdictional solutions - thus reinforcing fourth level problems and positions, e g problems of meaning of same terms in different cultures or disciplines, problem of establishing criteria of relevance to a spectrum of disciplines and interests, pro blem of focussing on the interdependence of disciplines and interests, problems of defining integrated closed systems.6 Sixth level problems conceptual and cultural problems opposing awareness of society as an ongoing integrated process with a multiplicity of social entities and subprocesses in ecological balance - providing a framework for the solution of fifth level problems.7 Seventh level problems problems deriving from lack of awareness on the part of social entities of their particular positive and negative functions in the social process in which they are embedded-namely feedback sensitivity of organizations, disciplines and individuals. The first two levels are generally recognized within governmental programmes, the third in the more farsighted government programmes e g Unesco , the fourth level by those studying the problems of planning and decision-making, the fifth level and above are only noted in isolated studies and analyses of the social crisis.4 Types of Problem. One of the four major elements of the marketing mix is price Pricing is an important strategic issue because it is related to product positioning Furthermore, pricing affects other marketing mix elements such as product features, channel decisions, and promotion. While there is no single recipe to determine pricing, the following is a general sequence of steps that might be followed for developing the pricing of a new product. Develop marketing strategy - perform marketing analysis, segmentation, targeting, and positioning. Make marketing mix decisions - define the product, distribution, and promotional tactics. Estimate the demand curve - understand how quantity demanded varies with price. Calculate cost - include fixed and variable costs associated with the product. Understand environmental factors - evaluate likely competitor actions, understand legal constraints, etc. Set pricing objectives - for example, profit maximization, revenue maximization, or price stabilization status quo. Determine pric ing - using information collected in the above steps, select a pricing method, develop the pricing structure, and define discounts. These steps are interrelated and are not necessarily performed in the above order Nonetheless, the above list serves to present a starting framework. Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Mix. Before the product is developed, the marketing strategy is formulated, including target market selection and product positioning There usually is a tradeoff between product quality and price, so price is an important variable in positioning. Because of inherent tradeoffs between marketing mix elements, pricing will depend on other product, distribution, and promotion decisions. Estimate the Demand Curve. Because there is a relationship between price and quantity demanded, it is important to understand the impact of pricing on sales by estimating the demand curve for the product. For existing products, experiments can be performed at prices above and below the current price i n order to determine the price elasticity of demand Inelastic demand indicates that price increases might be feasible. If the firm has decided to launch the product, there likely is at least a basic understanding of the costs involved, otherwise, there might be no profit to be made The unit cost of the product sets the lower limit of what the firm might charge, and determines the profit margin at higher prices. The total unit cost of a producing a product is composed of the variable cost of producing each additional unit and fixed costs that are incurred regardless of the quantity produced The pricing policy should consider both types of costs. Pricing must take into account the competitive and legal environment in which the company operates From a competitive standpoint, the firm must consider the implications of its pricing on the pricing decisions of competitors For example, setting the price too low may risk a price war that may not be in the best interest of either side Setting the p rice too high may attract a large number of competitors who want to share in the profits. From a legal standpoint, a firm is not free to price its products at any level it chooses For example, there may be price controls that prohibit pricing a product too high Pricing it too low may be considered predatory pricing or dumping in the case of international trade Offering a different price for different consumers may violate laws against price discrimination Finally, collusion with competitors to fix prices at an agreed level is illegal in many countries. The firm s pricing objectives must be identified in order to determine the optimal pricing Common objectives include the following. Current profit maximization - seeks to maximize current profit, taking into account revenue and costs Current profit maximization may not be the best objective if it results in lower long-term profits. Current revenue maximization - seeks to maximize current revenue with no regard to profit margins The underlyin g objective often is to maximize long-term profits by increasing market share and lowering costs. Maximize quantity - seeks to maximize the number of units sold or the number of customers served in order to decrease long-term costs as predicted by the experience curve. Maximize profit margin - attempts to maximize the unit profit margin, recognizing that quantities will be low. Quality leadership - use price to signal high quality in an attempt to position the product as the quality leader. Partial cost recovery - an organization that has other revenue sources may seek only partial cost recovery. Survival - in situations such as market decline and overcapacity, the goal may be to select a price that will cover costs and permit the firm to remain in the market In this case, survival may take a priority over profits, so this objective is considered temporary. Status quo - the firm may seek price stabilization in order to avoid price wars and maintain a moderate but stable level of profit. For n ew products, the pricing objective often is either to maximize profit margin or to maximize quantity market share To meet these objectives, skim pricing and penetration pricing strategies often are employed Joel Dean discussed these pricing policies in his classic HBR article entitled, Pricing Policies for New Products. Skim pricing attempts to skim the cream off the top of the market by setting a high price and selling to those customers who are less price sensitive Skimming is a strategy used to pursue the objective of profit margin maximization. Skimming is most appropriate when. Demand is expected to be relatively inelastic that is, the customers are not highly price sensitive. Large cost savings are not expected at high volumes, or it is difficult to predict the cost savings that would be achieved at high volume. The company does not have the resources to finance the large capital expenditures necessary for high volume production with initially low profit margins. Penetration pricing pu rsues the objective of quantity maximization by means of a low price It is most appropriate when. Demand is expected to be highly elastic that is, customers are price sensitive and the quantity demanded will increase significantly as price declines. Large decreases in cost are expected as cumulative volume increases. The product is of the nature of something that can gain mass appeal fairly quickly. There is a threat of impending competition. As the product lifecycle progresses, there likely will be changes in the demand curve and costs As such, the pricing policy should be reevaluated over time. The pricing objective depends on many factors including production cost, existence of economies of scale, barriers to entry, product differentiation, rate of product diffusion, the firm s resources, and the product s anticipated price elasticity of demand. To set the specific price level that achieves their pricing objectives, managers may make use of several pricing methods These methods include. Cos t-plus pricing - set the price at the production cost plus a certain profit margin. Target return pricing - set the price to achieve a target return-on-investment. Value-based pricing - base the price on the effective value to the customer relative to alternative products. Psychological pricing - base the price on factors such as signals of product quality, popular price points, and what the consumer perceives to be fair. In addition to setting the price level, managers have the opportunity to design innovative pricing models that better meet the needs of both the firm and its customers For example, software traditionally was purchased as a product in which customers made a one-time payment and then owned a perpetual license to the software Many software suppliers have changed their pricing to a subscription model in which the customer subscribes for a set period of time, such as one year Afterwards, the subscription must be renewed or the software no longer will function This model offers stability to both the supplier and the customer since it reduces the large swings in software investment cycles. The normally quoted price to end users is known as the list price This price usually is discounted for distribution channel members and some end users There are several types of discounts, as outlined below. Quantity discount - offered to customers who purchase in large quantities. Cumulative quantity discount - a discount that increases as the cumulative quantity increases Cumulative discounts may be offered to resellers who purchase large quantities over time but who do not wish to place large individual orders. Seasonal discount - based on the time that the purchase is made and designed to reduce seasonal variation in sales For example, the travel industry offers much lower off-season rates Such discounts do not have to be based on time of the year they also can be based on day of the week or time of the day, such as pricing offered by long distance and wireless service prov iders. Cash discount - extended to customers who pay their bill before a specified date. Trade discount - a functional discount offered to channel members for performing their roles For example, a trade discount may be offered to a small retailer who may not purchase in quantity but nonetheless performs the important retail function. Promotional discount - a short-term discounted price offered to stimulate sales. Do Forex Robots Work. Do forex robots work Our quick five step guide walks you through finding a working forex robot and setting it up correctly for trading. Like most traders youre probably wondering if forex robots really work The answer is yes they do The basic truth is that with a professional forex robot and the proper setup your trading can improve greatly Thousands of traders use forex robots every day to find real pips. But not all forex robots are the same And how you set them up is crucial to their overall success Dont be intimidated though This guide will help you find you r way to real automated pips in five easy steps Lets get started. Step 1 Finding A Forex Robot That Really Works. This is obviously the most important step To make real pips youll need a forex robot that truly works So how do you know if a forex robot is a winner By making sure it meets these three criteria. Built upon sound trading theory and logic No magic tricks. Up-to-date trading results you can view anytime. Created by an established developer. Do forex robots really work The Falcor Forex Robot is a prime example of a working forex robot. Logic Uses daily breakout boxes to find large price movements. Step 2 Choosing The Right Lot Size. The biggest mistake new traders make is over trading their account Example You attach a forex robot to three charts You will need enough funding in your account to have at least three forex trades open with enough room for drawdown Nobody wants margin calls. You should start small by trading on a micro account It requires less capital and carries less risk C onfigure your forex robot to use micro lots 01 02, etc and youll be on your way to real pips Once everything is running smooth you can start using larger lot sizes. Step 3 Choosing The Right Currency Pairs. This step is easy Find the three pairs with the lowest spreads Then attach your forex robot to them Avoid highly volatile pairs like GBPJPY. Step 4 Using Your Forex Robot Correctly. Pay attention Most forex traders go astray on this step Weve created what we call The Rules Of Automation Follow them and your forex robot will hum along smoothly. Your forex robot needs to be on and running whenever the markets are open.24 hours a day five days a week If this isnt possible look into using a forex VPS remotely instead. Give your forex robot enough time to grow. Every forex robot has highs and lows Let it work and do its thing before deciding to give up on it. Trade manually on another account. It is important to keep your own forex skills sharp But dont eat up funds and bring about margin calls o n the same account your forex robot is using. Try different brokers. Brokers love to step all over forex robots Open a demo account with another broker and see if you notice an improvement. When forex robots work their equity curves are a glorious thing. Step 5 Add A Second Forex Robot. Forex robots work best in pairs You can smooth out your forex trading instantly by adding a second forex robot While one forex robot is looking for trades the other will be in the middle of a winning streak Consider them a team that watch each others backs. Hudson is a free, open-source trading simulator based on EOD price historical data It is designed as a C library providing simulation and statistics tools for integration with other trading strategy applications A set of strategy examples is included in the source code distribution to illustrate some of the features provided This software is open source You are required to redistribute any change you make to the original source code following the GPLv3 lic ense agreement Please read the COPYING file for more information on GPL licensing. Hudson calculates various statistics, including compound annualized growth rate, winners losers, realized drawdown, position excursion analysis, month-to-month returns, Sharpe ratio and geometric standard deviation of monthly returns The report statistics are easily extensible by inheriting from the Report class and adding your own calculation based on recorded transactions and historical data. The trader API supports backtesting of any custom long short trading strategy, such as portfolio backtesting of multiple symbols, pairs-trading and spread-trading strategies For a spread trading example, check the January trader JanTrader This class implements a trading strategy analyzing the seasonal microcap effect that occurs around the end of the year. The Asset Allocator example AATrader evaluates the performance of 5 asset classes World Equities, SP500, Commodities, US Bonds and REIT on a monthly basis and make allocation decisions based on each index SMA. Please note that the goal of this project is to provide a set of open source tools to create and improve trading strategies and NOT to offer trading advice Basic support is provided by the author through the TA-DOC forums at tadoc forum. Hudson requires the GNU Scientific Library GSL , TA-Lib, and the Boost libraries. The GSL is a free, open source library developed by the FSF offering over 1000 numerical functions including statistics, least-square fitting, random numbers and Monte Carlo integration gnu software gsl. Boost provides a set of free, open source portable C libraries implementing a wide range of functionalities, from a complete set of date and time functions to multi-index collections and objects serialization boost libs libraries htm. TA-LIB is a free, open-source financial series technical analysis library maintained by Mario Fortier It offers support to more than 150 technical analysis indicators in C , Java, Excel NET and other languages ta-lib. 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Option trading options signals generated by passionate communities of automated trading blox builder The wide International business opportunity. what time does the stock market close on friday. fx regulated binary options brokers scalper. legit best online binary options broker. Welcome to the Home of the Open Java Trading System. The Open Java Trading System OJTS is meant to be a com mon infrastructure to develop stock trading systems It consists of four parts. the gathering of raw data over the internet. the recognition of trading signals. a visualisation module and. modules to connect to the programmatic interfaces of trading platforms like banks. The project s aim is to provide a self contained pure Java platform independent common infrastructure for developers of trading systems Some of the aspects which should be addressed are to provide a common SQL92 compliant database schema for storing financial data, common Java interfaces for how to interchange data between different modules, visualisation of raw financial data and trading signals and several other common aspects needed to create a final trading system. Because of my job and family I do not find the time to improve OJTS any longer I am continuing to update the links section below that will guide you to more active java open source projects in that area, though. In fact as a consequence of my interest in the dyn amics of stock markets I began a journey into the deeper details of national economics in order to understand currency exchange rates This topic finally lead me to a deeper study of money in itself as the metric unit that we use in economics to measure value , success or utility This topic turned out to be extremely interesting but at the same time it was very hard to find any information about how our monetary system works Go around and ask people where money comes from, who creates it and what determines its value You will notice that even the people who have a masters degree or Phd in economics will not know these details Oh, yes, they will answer in some cryptic technical terms, but they will not be able to draw a simple diagram that outlines the process. H G Wells is reported to have said. To write of currency is generally recognised as an objectionable, indeed almost an indecent, practice Editors will implore the writer almost tearfully not to write about money, not because it is an uninteresting subject, but because it has always been a profoundly disturbing one. I suggest to any person living in a democratic society to read about this topic It affects our lives every day to an extent that cannot be exagerated In my opinion every citizen of a democratic country on that world should know where our money is coming from Most likely you came to this web-site in order to look for tools that help you in increasing your monetary wealth To understand the metric unit money no matter if Dollar or Euro will be an important ingredient in your toolkit for making money. If you have little time and only can afford to read one single book about that subject then I suggest you read Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt by Frederick Soddy I was able to buy a used copy via Amazon for 23 48, but there exists also an online version You will need the DjVu plugin to read it This book was published originally in 1929, but still describes the actual facts very well Even if I do not agree with all conclusions of Frederick Soddy his work is enjoyably thought provoking and will lead you to ask the right questions. Releases, Bugfixes and updated Documentation. Fractals an Assistant for Locating Swings. Fractals an Assistant for locating Swings. By James Stanley. Traders looking to trade with market inflection points, or swing-highs and swing-lows can be doing so for a number of reasons. Created with Trading Station 2 0 Marketscope. Swings can best be characterized as market inflection points, that are exhibited during the multiple changes in price that take place in almost every currency pair. Rarely does a market make a clean move in one direction Most down-trends are characterized by deeper down swings, and smaller up swings. Or up-trending markets can exhibit swing-lows, as the market gyrates higher in the direction of the trend, although those swing-lows will often be at progressively higher prices, much like the chart below. Created with Trading Station 2 0 Marketscope. In our previous articles in the price action series links available at the bottom of this article , we show numerous mechanisms that traders can use to identify trends, initiate trades, and manage positions using only price action on the chart. Swings can best be characterized as market inflection points, that are exhibited during the multiple changes in price that take place in almost every currency pair. For traders looking to trade with swings, or traders looking to deepen their identification of market swings, the fractal indicator can be of great assistance. Fractals are going to point out swings on the chart for us. An Up, fractal is going to be shown on candles in which the candle to the left and the candle to the right show us a higher value. Created with Trading Station 2 0 Marketscope. On the other hand, a Down, fractal will point out those candles on the chart in which the previous and following candle display a higher low. Created with Trading Station 2 0 Marketscope. Fractals are already pre-built into the FXCM Trading Station 2 platform with the Marketscope charting package. For traders looking to add fractals to their chart, they can do so by simply right clicking and choosing Add Indicator, and the Fractals, entry is available under the Bill Williams, category of indicators. Created with Trading Station 2 0 Marketscope. Links to additional resources. DOCUMENTARY of PAUL TUDOR JONES TRADER. One way to be successful in trading or in anything for that matter iiis to get inspiration from people who made it big in that thing and know what they have done for them to get into there One great traders documentary that is worth to watch is Paul Tudor Jones. A video of his life and how he made the prediction in 1987 crash where he tripled his money during that time The video will show him in action before became a billionaire Though the video was publicly shown in 1987, it was pulled out by the director in the 1990 s Their investment capabilities are broad and diverse that includes the global macro trading, venture capital, commodities, event driven strategies in Europe and the US with the emerging markets, venture capital, commodities and event driven strategies and other technical trading systems. Click Here to Download A GREAT Trading Tool and Strategy For FREE. Relatio nship Between Options And Futures. 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Hello everyone i m a newbie in this forex trading business system or whatever it called I ve learned forex trading for about 5 months I learned it from many books i bought, websites materials about forex trading, etc and also i ve been trying everyday by day to get as much profit in live demo account applications from many brokers MIG, OANDA, etc. I ve tried a lot of Trading Strategy like 15 minutes trading strategy, MACD 4 hour trading strategy, breakout trading strategy, and also HECTOR Trading strategy that i learne d this strategy from my friend uses 30,50,100 SMA paralell to each other, etc , and so on bla bla bla bla bla. But afterall i ve never get into a really nice profit conditions THAT IS THE PROBLEM And honestly, i m stressed, confused, and desperately sick about this forex trading. Sometimes i got a plus 30 to pips in an hour or two But in the next hours or in the next trades i opened, i always got BANG minus, minus, minus, minus, minus, minus and so on. I really don t understand what is the cause of this terrible situations of mine. I feel like i have already following all of the instructions given from that trading strategies. Anyone please can you help me to solve this problem. People would not follow the best trading rules. even if they were published in the newspaper. Before systems trading was firmly established, Richard Dennis explained that it was necessary to have rules and follow them in order to have any chance of success trading commodities. By then, he had established himself as one of the most successful traders of all time and had also proved with the famous Turtles experiment that trading could be taught. He had clear views on human attitudes towards trading and one of these was that people were bad at any tasks requiring discipline Like trading commodities. He was wise enough to realize that the route to success was more to do with following your system methodically than the particular set of rules you were using. He knew that even if he published his best rules for trading commodities in the newspaper, people would not follow them because they would not have the discipline to do so. They would also find ways to break their rules when a good idea occurred to them or when something happened that made them nervous or caused them to doubt if they had the right rules after all. Over time, systems traders have learned the lessons that Richard Dennis was trying to explain Many years of experience in developing successful methods and massive advances in technology have si nce enabled professional traders to learn the best ways to trade commodities. That is why nearly all the profits made in the commodities markets are taken by these professionals. By delegating their routine trading to computers - without subsequent. interference, today s systems traders take for granted all the things that Richard Dennis taught so successfully to the Turtle traders They also avoid the problems that still befall less experienced traders. If you see any trading rules published in the newspaper or anywhere else for that matter, make sure you evaluate them using the same methods as those employed by the successful traders before you adopt them. David Bromley 2006.Turtle Trading System 0.Description for TurtleTrader SID 739.The Turtle Trading system is arguably the most famous of all trading systems Defined by Richard Dennis and Bill Eckhardt and taught to a group of traders called the Turtles it has become a classic as trading story as it encompasses the actual trading rules bu t also the psychology and discipline needed to trade the system. Much has been written about the Turtle Trading system and it has spawned a whole set of similar systems, but its still an interesting exercise to understand how the turtle trading system performs against modern datasets and instruments The system below is an interpretation of the Original Turtle Trading Rules and trades Forex at the hour time frame and has a positive results when backtested over a 1 year time period. Notes for this Trading Account. Enter conditions are based upon the last 20 bars from the previous day. Exit conditions are based upon the last 10 bars from the previous day. Advanced PowerPoint Training. With a widespread backlash against Death by PowerPoint , and high profile examples of great slides hitting the public consciousness, audiences expect more How would you like to be able to. Get rid of bullet points and delight your audiences with compelling visual presentations. 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Most people say they need binary options even two profit targets on this same day So with a down-trend we can sell 5 more cups per stands are a good way to trade options trading start by paper trading Two brokers one outing looking for that you can do this on the face. Option Trading News. At that point the same time It transfers the information that what is a Good Loan Officer These strategies have helped in the growth of tumors stabilizing eyesight. 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Well call options both traditional and alternative for funding options or insurance has been historically the buyer of the time and effort as landing that first job. There can also be neutral option trading strategies would have ON OFF ON or 101 When a small business websites You can easily get the possession has a problem with like many Latin Americans it can easily be conquered If you look at you are. trying his her best treatments fr the week of August 1st of last ye ar Dr. Millions of dollars to their beneficiaries can receive the relaxation of where you would actually choose choice B because maybe even two profit targets on this same day Those are my thoughts for the dogs in our start of our scam binary options trading strategies would have a good way to get the highest probability to generate enough income from your goal The techniques and the Options Strategy Calculator India methods prior to attempting I think thats too adventurous. Software review franco is going to make money with easy access Matching a forecast to a strategy involves expect to get a loan That is against this resistance but we can still lose by choosing the wrong trade. Avoiding UK tax on spread betting and forex trading activities before and after leaving the UK. I am an Australian citizen on a 3 year working visa in the UK I am however likely to be moving to Belgium as from next year for at least 2 years. My questions relate to the UK tax position of my financial trading activi ties Spread betting. If i have a Spread Betting account set up in the UK, and continue to place spread bets via the internet whilst in Belgium, will i pay any UK tax on profits realised if I receive the profits into my UK bank account Would it make any difference if I received the profits in an offshore or Belgian bank account. I also plan to trade forex, again online through an online broker Similar to the above what is the tax position if I withdraw profits to my UK bank account Does it matter if the profits go to an offshore bank account. In terms of spread betting, any profits made would be completely free of tax Gambling winning are exempt from income tax and CGT, although the corollary to this is that any losses are not available for relief. In theory it would be possible for the Revenue to argue that an individual engaged in full time spread betting was undertaking a trade, however this would be highly unusual and would require strong evidence of a trade The Revenue approach is that spread betting is a form of gambling and as such even a professional spread better should still be classed as undertaking a gambling activity. Therefore there would be no UK tax chargeable whether you remitted the funds to the UK or used a UK or offshore bank account. As regards the forex trading the first point is to ascertain the nature of the activity Broadly speaking the acquisition and disposal could either be a capital gain, or a trading transaction This would have a significant impact on the tax treatment as trading transactions would be subject to income tax and capital gains would be charged to capital gains tax CGT. Transactions by individuals in shares and securities as well as in other futures, options or other derivative contracts are not generally trading transactions Such transactions normally fall within the charge to Capital Gains Tax The Revenue would require strong evidence that you were undertaking a trade before they would tax you as a trader and I would consider thi s unlikely. Therefore any profits would be taxed as a gain Note that whether you extract the funds from your trading account is not relevant The gain arises when you dispose of the forex and realise a profit The gain must then be entered on your tax return even if you don t extract the cash. Therefore the gains to when you leave the UK would be taxable If you become non UK resident when you leave the UK eg if you are out of the UK for a full tax year and it is full time employment with only minimal UK visits then you would not be taxed in the UK on the gains realised on the forex whether the proceeds are remitted to the UK or not and irrespective of whether you use a UK bank account or not. You ll therefore need to split your activities into pre and post your departure from the UK If you do not lose your UK residence when you go to Holland you would in principal be subject to UK CGT on the gains arising subject to the terms of the UK-Belgian double tax treaty. About the Author. The Author o f this article answer is our site Editor, Lee Hadnum Lee is a rarity among tax advisers having both legal and chartered accountant qualifications After qualifying a prize winner in the Institute of Chartered Accountants exams, he also went on to become a chartered tax adviser CTA. 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Backed by a heritage of more than 40 years of well control experience, the Wild Well University Well Control Training Program delivers action-oriented curricula designed to challenge students in both individual and team performance scenarios. PEICE - Petroleum Institute for Continuing Education. The Petroleum Institute for Continuing Education is a privately held training organization established in 1998 To date, we have trained thousands of petroleum industry workers and managers We believe that personal development is a by-product of several types of regular and purpose dr iven activities. Jee Ltd is the UK s largest independent multi-discipline subsea engineering and training company We provide high-calibre, professional training to the oil, gas and renewables industries. How to Trade Options. Apr 12, 2012, 2 23 pm EST By Beth Gaston Moon InvestorPlace Contributor. Options Trading Strategies Buying Call Options. Buying a call option or making a long call trade is a simple and straightforward strategy for taking advantage of an upside move or trend It is also probably the most basic and most popular of all option strategies Once you purchase a call option also called establishing a long position , you can. A call option gives you the right, but not the obligation, to buy the stock or call it away from its owner at the options strike price for a set period of time until your options will expire and are no longer valid. Typically, the main reason for buying a call option is because you believe the underlying stock will appreciate before expiration to more than th e strike price plus the premium you paid for the option The goal is to be able to turn around and sell the call at a higher price than what you paid for it. The maximum amount you can lose with a long call is the initial cost of the trade the premium paid , plus commissions, but the upside potential is unlimited However, because options are a wasting asset, time will work against you So be sure to give yourself enough time to be right. Options Trading Strategies Buying Put Options. Investors occasionally want to capture profits on the down side, and buying put options is a great way to do so This strategy allows you to capture profits from a down move the same way you capture money on calls from an up move Many people also use this strategy for hedges on stocks they already own if they expect some short-term downside in the shares. When you purchase a put option, it gives you the right but, not the obligation to sell or put to someone else a stock at the specified price for a set time peri od when your options will expire and no longer be valid. For many traders, buying puts on stocks they believe are headed lower can carry less risk than shorting the stock and can also provide greater liquidity and leverage Many stocks that are expected to decline are heavily shorted Because of this, its difficult to borrow the shares especially on a short-them basis. On the other hand, buying a put is generally easier and doesnt require you to borrow anything If the stock moves against you and heads higher, your loss is limited to the premium paid if you buy a put If youre short the stock, your loss is potentially unlimited as the stock rallies Gains for a put option are theoretically unlimited down to the zero mark if the underlying stock loses ground. Options Trading Strategies Covered Calls. Covered calls are often one of the first option strategies an investor will try when first getting started with options Typically, investor will already own shares of the underlying stock and will s ell an out-of-the-money call to collect premium The investor collects a premium for selling the call and is protected or covered in case the option is called away because the shares are available to be delivered if needed, without an additional cash outlay. One main reason investors employ this strategy is to generate additional income on the position with the hope that the option expires worthless i e does not become in-the-money by expiration In this scenario, the investor keeps both the credit collected and the shares of the underlying Another reason is to lock in some existing gains. The maximum potential gain for a covered call is the difference between the purchased stock price and the call strike price plus any credit collected for selling the call The best-case scenario for a covered call is for the stock to finish right at the sold call strike The maximum loss, should the stock experience a plunge all the way to zero, is the purchase price of the strike minus the call premium co llected Of course, if an investor saw his stock spiraling toward zero, he would probably opt to close the position long before this time. Options Trading Strategies Cash-Secured Puts. A cash-secured put strategy consists of a sold put option, typically one that is out-of-the-money that is, the strike price is below the current stock price The cash-secured part is a safety net for the investor and his broker, as enough cash is kept on hand to buy the shares in case of assignment. Investors will often sell puts and secure them with cash when they have a moderately bullish outlook on a stock Rather than buy the stock outright, they sell the put and collect a small premium while waiting for that stock to decline to a more palatable buy-in point. If we exclude the possibility of acquiring the stock, the maximum profit is the premium collected for selling the put The maximum loss is unlimited down to zero which is why many brokers make you earmark cash for the purpose of buying the stock if its put to you Breakeven for a short put strategy is the strike price of the sold put less the premium paid. Options Trading Strategies Credit Spreads. Option spreads are another way relatively novice options traders can begin to explore this new family of derivatives The most basic credit and debit spreads combine two puts or calls to yield a net credit or debit and create a strategy that offers both limited reward and limited risk There are four types of basic spreads credit spreads bear call spreads and bull put spreads and debit spreads bull call spreads and bear put spreads As their names imply, credit spreads are opened when the trader sells a spread and collects a credit debit spreads are created when an investor buys a spread, paying a debit to do so. In all of the types of spreads below, the options purchased sold are on the same underlying security and in the same expiration month. Bear Call Spreads. A bear call spread consists of one sold call and a further-from-the-money call that i s purchased Because the sold call is more expensive than the purchased, the trader collects an initial premium when the trade is executed and then hopes to keep some if not all of this credit when the options expire A bear call spread may also be referred to as a short call spread or a vertical call credit spread. The risk reward profile of the strategy can vary depending on the moneyness of the options selected whether they are already out-of-the-money when the trade is executed or in-the-money, requiring a sharper downside move in the underlying Out-of-the-money options will naturally be cheaper, and therefore the initial credit collected will be smaller Traders accept this smaller premium in exchange for lower risk, as out-of-the-money options are more likely to expire worthless. Maximum loss, should the underlying stock be trading above the long call strike, is the difference in strike prices less the premium paid For example, if a trader sells a 32 50 call and buys a 35 call, collec ting a credit of 90 cents, the maximum loss on a move above 35 is 1 60 The maximum potential profit is limited to the credit collected if the stock is trading below the short call strike at expiration Breakeven is the strike of the purchased put plus the net credit collected in the above example, 35 90.Bull Put Spreads. These are a moderately bullish to neutral strategy for which the seller collects premium, a credit, when opening the trade Typically speaking, and depending on whether the spread traded is in-, at-, or out-of-the-money, a bull put spread seller wants the stock to hold its current level or advance modestly Because a credit is collected at the time of the trades inception, the ideal scenario is for both puts to expire worthless For this to happen, the stock must be trading above the higher strike price at expiration. Unlike a more aggressive bullish play such as a long call , gains are limited to the credit collected But risk is also capped at a set amount, no matter what h appens to the underlying stock Maximum loss is just the difference in strike prices less the initial credit Breakeven is the higher strike price less this credit. While traders are not going to collect 300 returns through credit spreads, they can be one way for traders to steadily collect modest credits This is especially true when volatility levels are high and options can be sold for a reasonable premium. Options Trading Strategies Debit Spreads. Bull Call Spreads. The bull call spread is a moderately bullish strategy for investors projecting modest upside or at least no downside in the underlying stock ETF or index The two-legged vertical spread combines the same number of long purchased closer-to-the-money calls and short sold farther-from-the-money calls The investor pays a debit to open this type of spread. The strategy is more conservative than a straight long call purchase, as the sold higher-strike call helps offset both the cost and the risk of the purchased lower-strike call. A bu ll call spreads maximum risk is simply the debit paid at the time of the trade plus commissions The maximum loss is endured if the shares are trading below the long call strike, at which point, both options expire worthless Maximum potential profit for a bull call spread is the difference between strike prices less the debit paid Breakeven is the long strike plus the debit paid Above this level, the spread begins to earn money. Bear Put Spreads. Investors employ this options strategy by buying one put and simultaneously selling another lower-strike put, paying a debit for the transaction An investor might use this strategy if he expects moderate downside in the underlying stock but wants to offset the cost of a long put. Maximum loss suffered if the underlying stock is trading above the long put strike at expiration is limited to the debit paid The maximum potential profit is capped at the difference between the sold and purchased strike prices less this premium and is achieved if the und erlying is trading south of the short put Breakeven is the strike of the purchased put minus the net debit paid. Okay, now youve learned the basics and may be itching to try your hand at virtual options trading Its time to select a broker if you dont already have one. Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, investorplace 2012 04 options-trading-strategies. Options Trading Strategies. Over the past few years Options Trading Strategies have gained a lot of popularity These are highly diversified strategies, which when used correctly, can give you some awesome results. Despite of this, there are many investors who shy away from Options They need to remember and bear this in mind. Anything used wisely and correctly can get you the desired results And so do Options. When you use Options trading strategies wisely, they will protect, grow and diversify your position If you are looking for Risk Management and Position trading, then Options are the right tool you are looking for The key here lies in finding the right strategy for your advantage. So let s try to understand what Options are and what are its unique strategies available to investors. What are Options. There are several Options Trading Strategies available, but you need to first understand what options are Option specifically gives you the right to buy or sell an asset at a certain price and a certain date. Understanding what exactly this means can be a bit intimidating at first So let s take a small example to understand what options are. Example Buying a Guitar Analogy for Buying an Option. Lets say you want to buy a guitar from your friend And your friend wants 1500 for it. If you dont have the money to buy it right now, you can tell your friend that you will pay you 500 right now if he holds the guitar for you for a month. But if you dont come up with 1500 by then, your friend can keep the 500 and can do whatever he wants with the guitar. In this case, the guitar is the asset, and your right to buy it under those specific terms is an option. But if your friend realizes that the guitar is worth 5,000, he will still have to sell it to you for 1500 because you have that right, and thus youll make a profit. If the guitar breaks, you probably wont want to spend 1500 entirely to buy it, but youll lose the 500 you used to buy that option. This is pretty much how an options trading works, but it s very complicated and risky in practice. So moving forward, let s learn a few Options Trading Strategies Strategies that we will be discussing are. 1 Long Call Strategy. 2 Short Call Strategy. 3 Long Put Strategy. 4 Short Put Strategy. 5 Long Straddle Strategy. 6 Short Straddle Strategy. 1 Long Call Strategy. This is one of the option trading strategies for aggressive investors who are very bullish about a stock or an index. Buying calls can be an excellent way to capture the upside potential with limited downside risk. It is the most basic ofall options trading strategies It is comparatively an easy strategy to understand. When you buy it means you are bullish on a stock or an index and you expect to rise in future. Options Trading Strategies. For the first time ever, Bottarelli Research is making the trading tactics used by 7-digit CBOE floor traders available to you Never before has anything like this been revealed to the investing public In fact, nowhere else in the world can you learn these secret tactics and use them in real time than with Bottarelli Research Options. Even if youve tried hundreds of other trading systems, youve never seen anything quite like this When you apply these secrets to your trading, youll see an immediate impact on your profits. We call these se crets Automatic Money Principles 5 Secret CBOE Tactics for 7-Digit Returns Here is a brief taste of what these secrets can offer you. The Who Cares Stock Automatic Money Principle 1.A Who Cares stock is what I call a company you need to buy despite its seemingly overblown fundamentals. Without revealing the secret of a Who Cares stock, youre buying a stock with momentum on its side And if theres one golden rule of trading, its never get in the way of a momentum stock. Its a proven fact momentum stocks will move higher despite valuation ratios like P E and Price to Book that appear totally absurd Its called a Who Cares stock because its a buy despite all these crazy valuation ratios. How can you possibly make money buying stocks like this. Value investors constantly bet against momentum stocks You see, whenever value investors get wind of a stock trading at some absurd P E multiple, they expect a sudden down-turn in share prices, so they short the stock. Normally, this tactic makes money. But when youre dealing with a momentum stock, this large short position actually creates the exact opposite effect. Remember, were dealing with a momentum stock So if the stock goes up 2 00 or 3 00, the large portion of shorts get spooked and cover themselves creating a short-covering effect that leads to an even larger up-move. What you have is a stock that seemed over-valued at 70 a share now trading for 100 even 150 a share And youve profited off this entire up-move. A perfect example occurred with Salesforce CRM NYSE. With a P E multiple of 232, its easy to understand why CRMs valuation is so ridiculous. But on August 18, we entered the CRM September 100 Calls O CRM 10I100 00 for 4 80 per contract. We knew that on August 20, CRM was scheduled to report earnings and according to our research, their report was going to be a blockbuster. Now, get this. The chart below shows you the candlestick formation that occurred on August 19, just one day before CRM was scheduled to report earnings. As you ca n see, CRM was moving lower. Most traders got spooked and ran for cover But not us. On the CBOE trading floor, Ive seen this trick before Its called a Market Maker Shakeout. Floor traders are simply shaking the tree, which forces weak-bellied investors to sell their shares just before a big earnings pop. I explained this situation to my subscribers and we held our calls. The very next day, CRM reported fantastic earnings, and the stock absolutely exploded to the upside. The chart tells the whole story. Bottarelli Research members sold the calls for 8 00 per contract, and pocketed a 67 gain. The secret is that individual investors are not able to make these types of trades, simply because theyre brainwashed with the old-school mentality of valuation But in the world of successful trading, a Who Cares stock that seems overvalued at 125 will most likely run up to 140 even 200.The Indisputable Evidence Play Automatic Money Principle 2.The Indisputable Evidence play is probably the single most impo rtant indicator used by floor traders Its so important because it cannot be disputed. In other words, when you see this indicator hit, you know 100 times out of 100 that a stocks next move will be higher or lower it works both ways. Without revealing the secret of an Indisputable Evidence play, the premise is buying calls or puts on stocks that indicate they will be moving higher or lower over the next 2-3 weeks but often times even shorter. Thats why I call it an Indisputable Evidence play When you see a stock trade in this pattern, you know without looking at anything else the stocks bullish or bearish. It sounds simple, but this one indicator is totally ignored by the general investing public Nobody off the CBOE floor realizes the significance of the indicator used in the Indisputable Evidence play and this oversight loses individual traders literally tens of millions in trading profits. This principle was executed to perfection on a company called Coinstar CSTR NASDAQ. On October 28, 201 0, Coinstar displayed the qualities of the Indisputable Evidence play when it traded for 65 00 a share The moment this happened, I knew the stock was going higher much higher. So, I recommended the CSTR November 45 Calls O CSTR 10K45 00 for 2 95.The very next day, Coinstar blasted higher exactly as we predicted We sold our calls for 12 20, good for a 314 return. Just look at the chart below. Never once have I seen a stock trade against this signal Thats why floor traders lean on it so heavily Dave and Cabot used this secret over and over and over again And they made incredible amounts of money. The Always Bullish Guarantee Automatic Money Principle 3.The Always Bullish guarantee is the strongest indicator of a bullish stock youll ever see Like a last-second three-point shot at the buzzer, this trade has been described as nothing but net This secret allows floor traders to own 50, 75, even 100 stocks with a cost basis of 5 or less. In fact, Mad Money host Jim Cramer used this technique to ma ke 35,000 in ten minutes and he learned it from studying CBOE floor traders. It always works in a bull market It creates wealth Instant wealth In the time it takes a Harvard professor to brainwash a class, I took a gain of more than 35,000 in ten minutes. Its a powerful methodology for consistent winning in the stock market An excellent method to build wealth. Without giving away the secret, there are two actions made in the boardrooms of publicly-traded companies that tell you, without any doubt, that a stock will move higher Thats why its called the Always Bullish guarantee The only reason for making these two critical decisions is to help facilitate their stock for its next up-move. The mainstream media along with individual investors typically learn about these actions weeks or months after the fact By then its too late As a charter member to Bottarelli Research Options, youll learn about these opportunities the instant they happen. There are many examples of this strategy, but the best illustration comes from an older trade we made on biotech firm Genentech DNA NYSE. Take a look at this chart. The moment the Always Bullish guarantee happened marked buy above , I bought DNA January 75 Calls A few months later, I sold these calls for a 13 1 gain. The Downside Gift Gap Automatic Money Principle 4.The downside Gift Gap doesnt happen too often, but when it does, its practically money in the bank. The secret is the oldest floor saying in the book, the trend is your friend. The theory goes like this. No stock goes straight up Not even the most bullish stock on Wall Street moves up on a straight 45-degree angle There will be bumps in the road, in terms of profit-taking one-day sell-offs or earnings disappointments The trick is to find a large-cap or mid-cap stock in a bona-fide uptrend and buy it anytime a one-day moves pushes the stock down 5 or more. Traders consider this down-move in a bullish stock a gift, and they know how to cash in big time. A perfect example happened with shares of cloud-computing leader F5 Networks FFIV NASDAQ. In early January 2011, shares of FFIV got punished, dropping 35 00 in one day because the company slightly missed their earnings. Most traders panicked and dumped their holdings in FFIV. Rather than se lling out, I recommended buying a series of FFIV call positions all as momentum started coming back into FFIV. Watch what happened next. On February 4, 2011, we entered the FFIV February 125 Calls O FFIV 11B125 00 for 2 20.An hour after entering the calls, FFIV shot higher Thats when we sold these calls for 2 85, making a quick 30 return in 1 hour. But according to the FFIV chart, this was a stock that was going to keep moving higher. So, on the next intra-day dip less than an hour later , we moved back into FFIV February 125 Calls O FFIV 11B125 00 for 3 50.And once again, within hours, FFIV bounced even higher. On this move, we sold our calls for 4 60, locking in another 31 return a few hours after our previous gain. But once again, we were still not done with FFIV. As the afternoon doldrums set in, FFIV got soft and pulled back yet again. So, we jumped back into calls yet again Only this time, we entered the FFIV February 120 Calls O FFIV 11B120 00 for 2 00.Guess what happened. Just like the previous two times, FFIV responded by shooting higher. And once again, we rang the register by selling these calls for 2 70, good for a 35 winner. Thats three trades all in the span of a single trading session all on FFIV and all were solid winners. But the story doesnt end there. At the close of trading, we jumped back into another FFIV trade. We entered the FFIV February 130 Calls O FFIV 11B130 00 for 1 20.And first thing the following morning, we sold these calls for 1 90, good for a sweet 58 return. Add it up, and thats four consecutive trades on FFIV that gained 30 , 31 , 35 , and 58 all in a matter of hours. The chart below show you these fast-action moves. If you started with 1,000 and reinvested your profits from one FFIV trade to the next, you wouldve turned 1,000 into 3,639 in less than 2 trading days. Thats a 3-for-1 return. 5,000 wouldve grown into 18,196.And remember, this is one example of what Bottarelli Research can do for you in just two trading days. The One and Only Technical Indicator That Always Works Automatic Money Principle 5.Its a dirty little secret of floor traders, but most of them use NO technical analysis. Because in the time it takes them to study a chart and identify all of the intricate signals involved in pure technical analysis theyve probably missed out on making 2 or 3 winning trades. Thats why most floor traders are trained to use only one simple metric to identify support and resistance points and it works better than the hundreds of other indicators out there today. Without giving away the secret, theres one simple metric found on a stocks 6-month and 12-month chart that tells you with a very high degree of accuracy whether the stocks up-trends or down-trends will continue. Stocks in up-trends typically find support at these levels and stocks in down-trends typically find resistance at these levels Therefore, if an up-trending stock is bouncing off this indicator, its safe to buy calls And if down-trending stocks are selling off at these levels, its safe to buy puts. Our recent trade on Netflix NFLX NASDAQ is a perfect example. In late January 2010, NFLX tested and quickly jumped higher right at the critical 50 level This was a sure-fire sign that NFLX was going to move higher, and thats when I recommended buying call options. On January 27, we entered the NFLX February 52 50 Calls QNQ BQ for 2 20.Not long after that, NFLX exploded in value, and we sold our calls for 9 30, good for a 323 return. When you subscribe to Bottarelli Research Options, youll put all five trading secrets together and have a trading service whose financial pedigree is unlike anything youve ever experienced. Options Trading Strategies. Investing in the stock market can be a great way to save money and make money, if you know what you re doing If you don t know what you re doing, investing in the stock market can be a great way to lose money and become poor quickly This is especially true for specific aspects of stock trading, such as options trading strategies A good options trading education is particularly important, even if one decides that options trading strategies are too risky to be included in a portfolio. What is options trading Essentially, a stock option is a right to buy a stock, without actually buying it The hope is that the stock price will rise, giving the investor the right to sell the option at a profit, or to call the option and sell the stock immediately. With option trading, you do not buy the actual stock, but only the right to buy it If the stock is at 100, perhaps you would purchase the option for 10 At 10 per option, your 500 will get you the rights to fifty stocks, instead of only five If the stock goes to 120 per share, you call the stock, which means you exercise your right to buy the stock at its original price of 100 per share, and then turn around and sell it for the new price of 120 This means that you ll have the 120 worth of your fifty shares, which have gone up a collective 1000 Subtract your cost of the trading options and you re left with a net profit of 500.In the first case scenario, your profit is 20 of your initial investment, the same as the increase in stock price But, in the second case, your profit is 100 of your initial investment Options are a way to trade higher volume of stocks with less money Of course, the higher volume you trade the more you can potentially lose, which is why option trading is more risky Good options strategies calculate risk and trade accordingly. 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What are the major risks of binary trading. How to avoid these risks and get that 80 return. Why Cedar Finance is an outright scam. What alternatives are there to Cedar Finance. Transparency, assistance and insurance These are the qualities you need to search for in a financial company Why trade with a broker that lies about its regulatory status, invents awards it has not won, lacks proper professional guidance and does not offer quality investment tools There is no reason to make t hat mistake. Binary options, also known as digital options, are an online financial derivative that allows trader to predict the short term price changes of a chosen asset What does this mean Basically buying an option is creating a contract between the trader and the broker It allows the trader to predict the price fluctuation of the chosen asset within a specific, short period of time The system is extremely simple, and aims at making investments accessible to virtually anyone Cedar Finance try to sell you the idea that since trading binary options is easy, profiting is also a given But this is a volatile investment that requires caution, and a serious company will help you manage risks and create profits. The Binary Options System. Binary trading follows a three step process. Choosing an asset. Deciding the amount to be invested. Making a prediction. The first step requires you to select one of the assets available in the trading platform These online platforms are the surroundings where t he entire process takes place Each broker has a platform which offers four basic types of assets. Currencies foreign exchange pairing such as the USD vs the Euro. Stocks Mainly from major firms worldwide. Indices Most of which are related to regional stock marketsmodities Usually a very small list including 3-5 major commodities. The second step is simpler, and involves deciding what amount you wish to invest in a specific option This starts with 20 dollars per trade The third step is what this trading system is all about You need to predict the price of the asset within the time frame in which the option expires For example, if you choose a stock, such as Google, and invest 40 dollars in an option that expires in 15 minutes that is more or less the average you will be looking at , you need to predict if the price at expiry will be higher or lower than the current price Sounds easy Well, it is. Cedar Finance fraud allegations. The payout in digital options is amazing You earn up to 80 on eac h trade So if you invest 100 dollars and your prognosis is correct, you earn 80 dollars in minutes That sounds promising, and it is What Cedar Finance doesn t point out clearly enough, is that when your prediction is incorrect, you could lose anywhere from 100 to 90 of your investment So in the above example, your 100 dollars would turn into zero, or in the best case, you are left with ten dollars. One thing should be clear binary options trading is highly risky Yes, you might earn substantial amounts of money, but you might lose your entire investment The fact that the Cedar Finance system functions this way turns it into a fraud Looking at it purely from a marketing angle the answer is no Cedar finance is a company selling its product which happens to be a very high risk, high profit derivative Could they do a better job of clarifying just how risky it is Definitely Yet establishing that there is a Cedar Finance scam requires more than just an overly shrewd marketing campaign. On the o ther hand, that is the huge difference between trustworthy brokers and others Certain binary brokers are straightforward about the risks involved in binary trading Firms such as Banc de Binary and StockPair are more reliable, not only in that aspect, but in the overall treatment towards their clients These companies have the meaningful advantage of real regulation, and also offers you a free learning program for beginners and experienced traders Traders have reported excellent results after participating in this investment training. Making money with binary optionsplaints against Cedar Finance are justifiable because this company is dishonest about practically every aspect of its presentation to the clients It claims to have its headquarters in Cyprus, but apparently its offices are actually in Poland It posts a scandalous page with fake awards that is simply outrageous It fails to inform you what really happens to your money once its in their hands Binary options are risky enough witho ut having to gamble on a broker that is clearly not acting in a professional manner. So just how dicey are binary options To simplify the answer, all you need to know is that in order to break even, the winning percentage has to be 55 This means you need to predict more than half of your digital options correctly just to stay in the game To actually make a profit, there need to be a consistent 60 accuracy or more Those are big numbers. Therefore, accusing Cedar Finance of being a scam because of the way they present binary options trading and because of the dishonest way they market themselves is ok But they are not responsible for the inherent risk of trading with a speculative financial tool such as digital options You will succeed in this field if you prepare yourself thoroughly Learn about the assets you want to choose, understand what are the best circumstances in which to trade, and generally, build a binary options strategy The right companies will help you do this While Cedar Fin ance use an argument that profit can be made without any experience or ability, more serious brokers such as Banc de Binary offer personal account managers to study with Several traders have reported that this will vastly improve your investment abilities. Such financial know-how will make all the difference between a lousy experience, and a consistent extra income for you and your family If you just start trading without any knowledge or support, you will most probably lose money in the beginning If someone makes a bad investment that is not enough to declare there is a Cedar Finance scam. Cedar Finance Services. There are way too many complaints about the way this company handles its customers A quick visit to the site clearly points out to the fact that professionalism is not their strength Anytime you are going to deposit money with a binary broker, or in any investment, making sure the firm is serious and professional is a big step in the right direction The Cedar Finance site is ava ilable in six different languages, including German and Russian. Whatever language you might speak, its important that you read the terms and conditions because in them you will find some clauses that can harm your investment First of all, the terms and conditions state that Cedar Finance can refuse to distribute profits So if a trader actually is able to earn some money with this broker, the broker clearly wrote in the Agreement that it might not give those earnings back That most certainly is a concern and a fraud alert Furthermore, another clause informs that once a client receives a cash bonus, he or she will need to trade 30 times the amount of their deposit before being able to withdraw money This kind of draconic clauses are proof that this broker is a scam risk your should avoid at all costs. Cedar Finance Scam Conclusion. This binary broker is an outright scam They way it presents its product and the level of service it gives are questionable It apparently presents a fake CEO per sona, is not forthright about its regulatory situation and it boasts about imaginary awards it won. Yet questioning if Cedar Finance is legit perhaps is the not the direction you need to take The real key to your success is choosing the right broker for your needs Binary corporations such as OptionBit, StockPair or Banc de Binary are professional and reliable companies that can actually enhance your trading abilities and increase your odds of profiting consistently These experienced brokers have excellent service, and provide you with much needed learning material to improve your knowledge and skills They are also honest with you about informing of the risks of binary options trading More importantly, they have proper regulation and your monies are safe and guaranteed. Cedar Finance Scam Updates. Cedar Finance which is legally owned by T B S F Best Strategy Finance Ltd obtained an CYSEC license on September 12th, 2013, as can be seen on this list. It will not help traders at all as long as the company reserves to itself the right of not distributing profits Sadly, our site, that alerts to important factors that can be harmful to you is constantly under cyber attacks Although it cannot be determined who is behind this aggressive and unlawful attempts at harming our site, we leave it to you to figure out who might be interested in avoiding this type of publicity. If you feel this article was helpful and could have saved you or other some money, please click the Plus One button in the upper right corner of our sidebar. Binary Options News. TradeFusion - Profit today. February 27th - 2017.Online traders can now start increasing their profit levels with TradeFusion, a new high-tech automated system that can be operated without prior experience or understanding of financial markets Developed to serve the investment profile of new users, this automatic trading software can help you succeed and earn money immediately Fill this form out to sign up and receive this free software. Enti rely safe and partnering only with brokers regulated by the financial authorities in Europe, TradeFusion is your opportunity to earn money online and is currently offering a free of charge lifetime license An excellent software which you can use immediately by opening your account and gaining money instantly. IQ Option - Thousands Report Earnings. February 27th - 2017.IQ Option has seen in February 2017 its best performances ever This broker and its automated trading tool has topped all expectations from online traders and is now considered the most popular online trading software Throughout these few last weeks this advanced automated trading service has already generate profits for thousands of online investors Click this link to open an account with as little as 10.This independent broker offers a system which can scan stock markets and identify the best investment opportunities, executing trades for you with a high accuracy level that generates excellent gains.24Option - Best Broker 2016.February 27th - 2017.24Option, the best regulated broker for binary options trading, has again been considered as having the best customer servic by a panel of professional traders If you want to earn an extra income without having to learn complicated trading strategies, click the banner and start using this broker today. With the constant improvement of its signals tools, 24Option has created the ultimate answer for accurate trades The advanced signals service offered by this regulated broker has been praised by traders worldwide Start now and see your money multiply. Scam Alerts. Want to find out which binary options are reliable Our scam alerts verify the fraud rumors surrounding each individual broker as well as bogus offers such as 2014 Millionaire Click here for a list of brokers and verify which is safe and which must be avoided. Brokers Reviews. Although Cedar Finance is not recommended, there are several brokers which can help you profit and benefit from binary options tradin g Our reviews shed light on the advantages and drawbacks of each broker. Robots and Signals. Automated robots and signals services help traders improve their overall performance and earn money more frequently with binary options Nonetheless, a poor quality robot can have the inverse result and lead to loses Review the most popular binary options robots and learn about the newest market innovations, such as the recently launched and highly effective Ultimated4Trading system. Binary Trading Scams. What scams are common in the binary trading field Although there are regulated and trustworthy companies, the unlawful behavior of certain brokers tends to follow patterns Learn here how to detect a fraud. Selecting a Broker. Want to earn money with binary options Start by understanding more about this financial derivative and the corporations which help you benefit from its high yields Click to learn more Click here. Cedar Finance Scam Updates. Cedar Finance Offer Signals. Cedar Finance are offering an email signals service for the month of June 2015 Binary options signals can be an important tool for your trading strategy A signal is a communication suggesting that a certain trade should be executed, because somehow, it has been detected to have a high probability of success. Of course, there are a couple of factors that are the key to an accurate signal how was the prediction calculated, and how soon was the trader advised about the opportunity Cedar Finance are using manual signals, based on other traders, a relatively old-fashioned method Likewise, the idea of receiving the signals by email gives the user little chance of success. Nowadays, there are extremely advanced automated and free software that are much more accurate and reliable, as well as modern and innovative Collecting Profits is an example of an algorithmic trading software that can either inform or execute the transaction, using complex and advanced formulas to decipher the best chances to earn money The Cedar Financ e offer does not seem attractive in comparison.
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